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Estimate the thickness of the soil over the area (test pits will help with this) - measure the average density of the soil (out of the test pits). You then have:-

The "area" tiles the "thickness" = the volume of soil.

Volume times density = weight.

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Q: How do you get the weight of soil in an area?
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What types of soil are in your area?

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How do you test moisture level in soil?

A test for soil moisture is to:1. weigh a brown paper bag2. add a sample of your soil to that bag3. weigh the total weight of the bag plus the soil4. put the bag of soil in an oven for 24 hours at 200 degrees5. reweigh the bagsubtract the final/dry weight of the bag from the initial soil bag weight and that number will be the weight of moisture that has left the soil.

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It means that there is a lot of soil in the area.

Why is it important to know the soil structure of a particular area?

Understanding the soil structure of a particular area is important because it affects drainage, fertility, and root growth. This information helps in making informed decisions about crop selection, irrigation, and land use planning. Different soil structures require different management practices for optimal agricultural productivity.

What is the unit weight of soil with a specific gravity of 2.65?

The unit weight of soil with a specific gravity of 2.65 is 1.8 g/cc.

What is the weight of 1m3 of hard core aggregate?

The weight of 1m³ of hardcore aggregate can vary depending on the specific type of aggregate (e.g., granite, limestone, etc.), but on average it weighs around 1.5 - 2.5 metric tons. It's important to check with a supplier for the exact weight based on the type of hardcore aggregate being used.

How does the amount of rain affect the soil in the area?

The soil can drown.

Weight of soil?

1 kilogram XD

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What do you call changes in an area with no soil?

area swap