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The soil can drown.

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Q: How does the amount of rain affect the soil in the area?
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What factors in an area help to determine the type of soil and the thickness and composition of the layers?

Climate can affect what type of soil develops in a certain area. For example, Deserts are dry, and the soil contains little organic material. In a temperate forest, the soil is mild and moist. Parent rock, time, and slopes are some of the factors that affect the soil. For example, on steep slopes, soil horizons often are poorly developed.

What two factors affect the kinds of vegetation that grow in a region?

Climate - temperature and wind, rain and/or sun soil type

How do rocks or soil composition affect the rain forest?


How does acid rain affect farms?

it effects the soil

How does the slope of the land affect the amount of soil being carried away?

Soil can be washed off steep slopes by rain water, unless covered in binding grasses and other vegetation.

What are two things that may affect soil?

what about soil are you asking about? In terms of texture earthworms and organic matter can affect it. In terms of acidity soil particle size and acid rain can affect it.

How does rain acid affect plants?

it puts mercury in the soil, thus breaking and killing the soil

What factors affect water runoff?

The Major Factors That Affect The Amount Of Water Runoff In An Area Are: - amount of vegetation and non-permeable surfaces (development) - slope of land (grade) - duration and rate of rainfall - nature of ground (soil type) - soil saturation (moisture)

Does acid rain affect germination of seeds?

Yes, acid rain does affect germination of seeds by mixing in with the soil and damaging the seed coating.

What factors in an area help to determine the type of soil and the thickeness and composition of the layer?

climate, the slope, the amount of rain and humus, and the length of evolving time [:

Does acid rain affect soil?

yes, it seriously diminshes the quality of soil as it contains harmful chemicals

What factors that determine the soil pH?

The factors which affect soil pH levels are the amount of rainfall, the amount of plants and the number of soil organisms.