

How do you get to Panera Bread?

Updated: 10/24/2022
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13y ago

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Getting To Panera Bread:

  1. Use MapQuest, GoogleMaps, a GPS unit, a map, or any other directional device in order to determine the nearest Panera Bread dining establishment.
  2. Determine when you would like to start driving based on the amount of time and distance to Panera Bread.
  3. When you are ready, grab the car keys, a wallet (with your drivers license and credit card/cash), any other people coming with you, and your good driving skills.
  4. Go to the Panera Bread restaurant based on your findings on GoogleMaps, a GPS, or any other directional device. Do not read directions as a driver, as this is a safety hazard.
  5. Find a parking space. This may take a long amount of time based on the day of the week, time, and weather.
  6. Open the car door, with your wallet and any other people coming along.
  7. Walk to the Panera Bread. Make sure to look both ways and stay alert about any backing cars.
  8. Open the Panera Bread door and step in. You are greeted with the smell of warm soups and freshly baked bread.
  9. Wait in line until you are next up. Do not cut in line.
  10. While in line, decide what you and your company would like to order, in order to make sure the line moves along fast.
  11. Find a place to sit down.
  12. Wait for your food or when the buzzer beeps and turns red.
  13. Return the beeper and get your food.
  14. Eat your food politely and enjoy!

Going Home From Panera Bread:

  1. Throw away your items and gather your belongings.
  2. Exit the dining establishment, in this case, Panera Bread Restaurant.
  3. Look both ways when crossing the street to get to the car.
  4. Open the car door and close your seatbelt(s)
  5. Drive the way you came, but reversed. (If you came left on Main Street, now you turn right on Main Street)
  6. Drive safely! If you run into traffic, play games or listen to music.
  7. Get home.
  8. Take the keys out of the car and bring your belongings out of the car.
  9. Open the house using your house keys.
  10. Welcome home!

Now you know exactly how to get to Panera Bread and home from Panera Bread. Enjoy your food.

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13y ago
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