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Q: How do you get to adopt your own sparkling pet?
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How do you adopt your own pet at Facebook?

go to petville

Can you give me a code so i can own my own pet?

if you mean like a virtual pet, just go to, and follow intructions.

How many adopt your own virtual pet games are there?

6 popular ones

Webkinz questions about pet of the month?

well you have the own video of your pet you need to adopt that pet that month you get gifts for it ok there ya go

How do you get to playmoshicom?

u just type in and click on moshi monsters-adopt your own pet monster then adopt 1 name it and play

Why can't you get a loot bag on if you already own the potm?

Because you have to ADOPT the pet that month, but you can still get bonus games if you have the pet

Are there any websites where you can run your own pet shop and take care pets yourself besides littlest pet shop and adopt me?

How do you get your bin pet to adopt a bin pet to adopt a bin pet to aboot a binpet?

you cant! dont be silly

Websites for kids where you adopt a pet?

Animal jam is a fun kid friendly place where you adopt a panda rabbit penguin and more. i have my own and it is very fun.

Are there any pet games where you adopt a pet then take care of it with no codes?

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Where can you adopt a pet seal?

I don't think you can adopt a seal, but in Alaska they might have some pet seals

If you own the pet of the month before the month that it is pet of the month do you still get a loot bag?

No... you have to adopt it during it or else you can just play in the special daily activities.