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Practice walking by her or talk to some of her friends, so you feel more comfortable around her. I had the same problem (except flip-flopped, cuz I'm a girl and he was a boy. ) and once I started talking, I found that it was easier to contain myself. Just keep the conversations short at first, so you don't strain your nerves. You'll get better with practice.

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Q: How do you get to know your crush better if you can hardly contain yourself when she is near you?
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How close are you,how well do you know eachother,do you know his personal life? Never date someone you hardly know think about the questions above and then really question whether he is your crush.

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ask yourself

How do you get my crush to notice me?

if your crush is into sports or some activity, get really good at it and impress them with your skills. People say to be yourself, but this is kind of lame. Do be yourself, but try to be the funny, smart, cool version of yourself. If you being yourself is randomly stripping and singing then this is probably not a good way to impress your crush. Also, become friends with your crush's friends.

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Its better to not leave one to jump right into another as most times it doesn't favour well. Take sometime for yourself and just date this "crush" as you may find your feelings are not necessarily for this crush but just a reason to leave the other.

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You should ask your crush out yourself.

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Only if the cousin on whom you have the crush is of the same sex as yourself!

How can you make your crush fall in love with you?

You can't force anyone to like you. Be yourself around your crush and if they end up liking you then that's great(: but if they don't then don't change yourself for them. Find someone who will love you for who you are.

What are some tips for making your crush like you?

You cannot force someone to feel what they may not. The best tip is to be yourself and ask them out - get to know them better and let them get to know you.

How do you get your crush ti notice you when they like someone else?

Put yourself out there. I know it can be super scary, but sometimes you just have to make the first move. ----- Find out what your crush is passionate about. ----- Buy your crush a gift. ----- Be yourself! ----- Talk to your friends about them.

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How do you look attractive in front of your crush?

Just be yourself