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Your rabbit will let you stroke and pet him (or her) when he trusts you.

Don't grab at the rabbit, pick him up, force him to cuddle, or restrain him. Let him choose to come up to you before you pet him. Your bunny will probably want to explore the room and sprint around - let him do the things he wants to do (within limit - keep him safe!). Give him a habitat that feels comfortable and safe to him. Do what you can to limit your rabbit's stress. Once your rabbit feels happy and secure, he'll probably come to you for pets and strokes!

Rabbits usually like gentle pets on the nose, cheeks, head, and ears because that's where they lick each other.

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Q: How do you get to stroke your rabbit?
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Related questions

What to feed a rabbit with a stroke?

Nutri-stat, and yogurt.

How do you stroke something?

Using a hand to stroke a cat, dog or rabbit, is reputed to have a calming affect on a human.

Where should you stroke your rabbit?

Pet your rabbit on the scruff, buck, and forehead. Never touch inside his/her ears or paws. This will annoy and irritate it. Happy Petting!

How do you relax a nervous rabbit?

Stroke it, groom it, hold it and really try to find out why it's nervous. I know that if you have your rabbit outside then it may see a cat or something in the garden and be nervous.

What makes rabbits like you?

If you want a rabbit to like you, you need to give it a lot of attention, and stroke, and hold it on a regular basis.

I think my rabbit has had a stroke is this possible?

yes it can happen. my baby rabbit had a stroke too. Yes, it can happen. If your rabbit is still alive, you should take it to the vet immediately so you can be sure and either save its life or let it die peacefully.

How can you place a rabbit on your head and make it stay there?

if you have a rabbit then hold it and gently place it on your head then tie his feet in your hear or in a tie this might sound cruel but then stroke it and give it what he likes and thenit will relie on you and will stay on for like an hour or even two hours'.

Can a rabbit live a near nornal life after its had a stroke?

I don't know, you might want to keep an eye on it, and take it to the vet every now and then just in case.

How do you tame your rabbit?

To tame a rabbit, you have to spend time with him/her. At first, talk to him/her quietly so that they get used to the sound of your voice. When they are calm, offer a treat such as a piece of carrot. When they are eating, slowly move your hand and start to stroke them. The rabbit will get used to this, and will start to associate you will food and will know that you are not a threat to them. Soon, your rabbit will be calm around you and he/she will be tame. Kneel or crouch down when you are around them, so that you are at their level, and therefore they will not feel threatened.

Why is a pet rabbit living and a cyber pet not?

a rabbit is living and needs more complex things like food and water a cyberpet is electronics inspired by the living. A cyber pet may only ocasionly need batterys

How do you save a Rabbit from Heat Stroke?

Methods to keep your rabbit cool on a hot day:Give your rabbit a couple of hard-shelled freezer packs(to avoid damage by teeth), or freeze water in old bottles and place them where your rabbit likes to lie. Even if the rabbit doesn't want to lay against it, it will cool the air as it evaporates.Provide a fan that your rabbit can sit near. Some rabbits do not like a direct breeze, so position the fan to create a cool air flow, but make sure your rabbit can move away from it if he wants to. Fans helps with air flow but otherwise don't much help rabbits because, unlike us, they don't really sweat. A good idea is to drape a cold wet towel near the rabbit and aim the fan at the towel: this will cool the air as the water evaporates.Make sure your rabbit is hydrated! Easy access to several water sources is ideal, and if your rabbit will drink from a bowl you can try leaving a handful of ice cubes in the water to keep it cool for an extended period of time. Drench your rabbit's salad greens in water, too.Air conditioning. This may seem obvious, but if you can afford a cheap a/c unit for the room where your rabbit spends most of its time, your rabbit will be more comfortable.Chill ceramic or stone tiles in the freezer for the rabbit to lie onMist the rabbit's ears with cold waterMaximize air flow and shade in the area. Keep your bunny out of direct sunlight.Keep your bunny well-groomed. Excess fur will increase body temperature. But don't brush your bunny much during a heat wave or the hot part of the day: the friction will increase body temperature, too.Your rabbit's fur coat is the equivalent of you wearing a sweater at all times - if you think you'd be too warm in a sweater, chances are your rabbit is already too warm.Pet rabbits are bred from the European Rabbit, which is adapted to mild, Mediterranean climates, where it never gets too hot. Pet bunnies are most comfortable between 50-75F (10-23C), and when it gets over 78F (25C), they're at risk of deadly heat stroke.If your rabbit is overheated and can't be cooled down by the above methods or a shallow bath in a lukewarm water (i.e. if the rabbit has heat stroke, not just heat stress/exhaustion), you may have a medical emergency on your hands.Signs of heat stroke (be prepared to visit the vet immediately!)PantingLethargySalivationWeaknessConfusionConvulsionIf your rabbit has heat stroke, do NOT put him in a bath!This would actually make the problem worse (the cold water shrinks the blood vessels, making it even harder for the body to cool itself down). It could also put the rabbit in shock. Instead, dampen the ears with cool water, and seek immediate veterinary help.See the related questions below for more info and helpful links.

When should you start handling your pet rabbit?

Around six months you can start holding it. But when it's younger than six months you can look and stroke them. But please don't touch newborns!