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Q: How do you get up to valoo in windwaker?
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Can Valoo from legend of Zelda wind walker breath fire?

Yes, Valoo breathes fire to destroy Ganondorf's first lair.

How do you get super hookshot on zelda windwaker?

there is no super hookshot in windwaker

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There is no windwaker. The windwaker is in the windwaker, the phantom hourglass is the key item in phantom hourglass

How can you kill the first boss on windwaker?

If you're talking about tha' big ol' lobster-scorpion thing...... use your grapling hook on Valoo's tail a couple times until the exoskeleton breaks, the press R while using you grapling hook (aim at monster's eye), and hit the eye with your sword. There are hearts in the jars, so feel free to break them.

How do you pick up the huge head on Zelda the windwaker?

The bracelets that you obtain from either the ice mountain or the volcano mountain.

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What is Legend of Zelda windwaker?

It is a game.

Whow do you make a hookshot shoot as far as you want in windwaker?

There is no way to do this without modding the game. If you want to do that google "windwaker hookshot mod"

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Dragon roost cavern Zelda wind waker?

It is in Dragon Roost Island after you need to help Valoo

In Zelda how do you get it to be daytime?

In which Zelda game? In many of them you just have to wait. In The Legend of Zelda, Windwaker you go to windfall island, you must posess the windwaker at this time. climb the hill on windfall island (the island with the big windmill) and you will see a dancing man. talk to him, and then take out your windwaker, and just stand there with your windwaker out for a few seconds. He will then say that he knows the tune, and will do dance moves. Watch him dance...he will point in directions. Then do these same directions in 3/4 time on your windwaker. You will then learn the song of passing, that allows you to switch from day to night anytime.Hope this helped!

How do you get the regular bow on Zelda windwaker?

you get it in the tower of gods