How do you freeze volcano on wind waker?
In The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, you cannot freeze a volcano. However, you can use Ice Arrows to freeze certain enemies or objects in the game.
How do light up all 6 torches in Zelda and the windwaker?
You must get the Fire Arrows. To get the Fire Arrows you must get to the part of the game where Tetra is turned into Zelda. After that cyclone to Mother & Child Isles. You MUST use the cyclone. Mother & Child Isles is south 2 squares and east 1 square from Forsaken Fortress.
How many sea charts are there on LoZ Wind Waker?
It is when you completely fill out each grid of the Great Sea Chart by feeding the fish with bait near each island (to check for this, press up on the d-pad)
Is there a sequel to The Wind Waker?
Yes, there is. The sequel, Phantom Hourglass, was released in late 2007.
What does the incredible chart do in The Wind Waker?
It shows you where all of the triforce charts are. Once you find them, tingle has to identify them for 398 rupees each. After he identifys them, it will also show the location of the triforce shards.
What do the pirates in Zelda Wind Waker love more than the sea?
To find the answer to the pirate ship, enter the bombshop from the back by climbing up the vines and crawling through the hole
Where is volcano island on Zelda wind waker?
First off, there are a couple fairy Islands in wind waker. They are all shaped like hearts, and you need to do different things to get inside them. One of the islands that I can remember right now is just north of Tingle's Island, and it gives you a rupee sack upgrade, allowing you to hold 1,000 rupees instead of just 200. not sure what you need to do to get into this island, though. Another rupee sack upgrade is on your hometown island, but you need bombs to get into it. I hope this helps you, recommend me if it did. (posted by Darke, member of WikiAnswers since 4/29/08)
Where to find tingle in wind waker?
If I recall correctly under a pot or crate in the corner there should be a switch.. Hit/step on it and tingle will be freed.
How do you get double magic in wind waker?
You have to defeat a giant octo that lurks near Two Eye Reef (Two squares east of Outset Island). You will be able to see one if a ring of seagulls are flying around a specific location.
To defeat a gaint octo, shoot all of its eyes with arrows or your boomerang.
How do you get links first clothes in wind waker?
Link doesn't have pajamas, but you probably mean his blue shirt and orange pants. To get him permanently in his regular clothes instead of the Hero's clothes, you must beat the game. When you beat the game, you can save your file and start over a second time. If you decide to play it again on the saved file, it will start you from the beginning and you can play the whole game in his regular clothes.
What do you do when you have moved the head on outset island?
You have to get Power Braclets to move that rock. They're located at a Fire Mountain that is one square south of Dragon Roost Island. But before you can even get in the vocano you have to freeze the lava. That's a job for the ice arrows. They're located inside Mother and Child Isles by using the tornado (Ballad of Gales). To get this song for the Windwaker, you'll have to fight Cyclos with the arrows you have. You can find him in Northern Triangle Island, inside the large tornadoes. Just aim directly at him and it will hit him. Do this three times or you will lose and will be carried of into a different, random area.
How do you salvage in the legend of zeleda wind waker?
Hit menu on your touch screen, and then hit the salvage button.
How do you kill Ganondorfs Puppet in wind waker?
Hit each of his strings 3 times and shoot his blue ball 3 times and he will turn into a spider. Look into the water , and when the spider drops go into the section where the blue ball is and shoot it it with a light arrow 3 times. Puppet Gannon will turn into a snake. He is really quick so you must have good aim to shoot the ball. He will FINALLY have been defeated.
Where is the next sage that will power up your master sword in wind waker?
If you've already beaten the wind temple, then the next sage is Medli (the bird girl.) She is on a cliff on dragon roost island. Gain access to it by going in the island and walking out onto an overhang on the second floor and use your grappling hook to get on the cliff. If you've already beaten the earth temple, the next sage is Makar (the leaf dude that plays the violin) Gan access to him by using your deku leaf to glide into the waterfall with music notes coming out of it on Forest Haven.
How can you pick up big rocks in Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker?
There are multiple Zelda games, please specify which one.
Do they still sell the Legend of Zelda Wind Waker?
You can find the Windwaker in most electronic retail stores such as Bestbuy, EB games and Futureshop. Also, Walmart and Superstore sells Windwaker as well. The Nintendo eShop sells the downloadable version too.
In windwaker what is the answer to the question who cant walk the plank?
well to get the answer you can go behind the bomb shop and climb up the vine and go inside the shop or the answer is PLANKTON
It changes. once you get into the bomb shop from the back (while the pirates are inside and the front door wont open) there will be a cutscene where they say the password 3 times. for me it was Treasure. but remember, it has to be exactly right: say the answer was 'piRate' or something, you would have to write the upper-case R. hope this helps.
How do you get to the Great Fairy Fountain on outset island in legend of Zelda Windwaker?
get to great fish ilse then the post man will talk to you then go back to ur home island after reciving bombs at windfall stollen 4om means from pirats then bazuka the stone slab on back of your island while in a whirl pool also take the time to heal Nan by giving her fairy in bottle u get bombs blow up big rock in fairy forest on top of fairy fountin and get item from great fairy! after gran gives u soup 2 per bottle heals u and magic!
How do you travel in the cyclones in Zelda wind waker?
to teleport you first have to beat the uncharted island then you have to be out at see then you must hit a golden frog with your cannon then he will show you a sign write down the symbol you see on your sea chart then get out your cyclone slate and draw that symbol and presto bingo you will go to that location that you shot the frog in there are six frogs altogether
Where is the boss key in the earth temple in the legend of Zelda the wind waker?
There is a tall, circular room with a spiral staircase at the end of the Earth Temple. It has one of those big teleport pots, and if you fall down to the bottom there is that cursed smoke. Directly ahead of you is the door to the boss room, you can reach it using the Deku Leaf.
If you go down the stairs (there should be a missing section) you eventually come to a door. Go through this (taking the bird-girl with you) and you'll come to a large room with more light-puzzles. At the far end of the room is one of those big faces, shine light in both it's eyes and a passage to the Big Key opens. The room is a bit of a puzzle, first you need to get bird-girl to fly only the large central area. there should be a button to press. Once she's pressed it a shutter will open allowing light into the room. You'll need to move several mirrors and dissolve some walls before you can get the light in the right place.
Once the passage is opened go through the door. This is a reasonably tough room. There is one Darknut (big guy in armour) but the real challenge are the two flying skulls. If they touch you then you can't use your sword for a few seconds. You can use the Deku Leaf to blow the skulls out of the air, they'll be paralysed and smoke-free for a little while. Once you've dealt with the skulls the Darknut can be fought in the usual way (parrying when he has a sword). Once you've cleared the room of enemies you can open the chest with the Big Key in it. Leave the room by the way you came and go through the room with the mirrors to get back to the room you started in.
Where do you find joy pendants mostly in zelda the windwaker?
You can collect Joy pendants off of Bokoblins, either by using a grappling hook on them first, or by killing them.
An easy way to collect lots of joy pendants is to go to dragons roost cavern, the first room there is two bokoblins, simple grapple them both, leave and return, each time you return you can collect two more, getting the heros charm and cabanna deed very early in the game.
How do you get super deku leaf in legend of Zelda windwaker?
Once it's appeared you jump down off the lily pad and run around the tree. You'll see some dekubaba buds leading up the tree. Jump into one and it'll start gyrating around with you in it. Line yourself up with the next one and you'll automatically be fired out and up after a set amount of time. If you've aimed properly you'll land in the next bud, and you can use them to progress higher up the tree until you reach the deku leaf. Mind your step - if you fall it HURTS.
What happens when you beat legend of Zelda wind waker?
you have to go to the next game its over
Answeryou could start a new game! If you do that you'll still have your camera and Links sister will have a new outfit! Or you could play the next version of that game...uh the one that continues the story i mean, The Legend of Zelda Phantom hourglass!If you beat the game, continue on that same file and start a new game. It is the same exact thing except you can understand Valoo and Juban's language, Aryll (Link's sister) has different clothes, you keep your deluxe picto/picto box, Link gets to keep on his blue/original clothes, and at the Nintendo Gallery next to Forest Haven you get to keep all the figurines that you made!