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FIRST Feed him/her some blood worms for a treat unless you want a diseased betta

they LOVE blood worms

NEXT put him/her in a at least 1 gallon tank with lots of colorful plants (you don't need it colorful i would like it that way) gravel, filter (always on), and light

i don't believe to get a heater i had four (now three :`[) WITHOUT a heater so don't waste you money unless you want a spoiled fish (not good people)

THEN if u still see him/her bored add in some buddies if you have enough room. fish that are good for betta friends are platies, mollies, tetras, guppies (mine had diseases so guess what happened? death not to just the guppies), Cory cats, and algae eaters. i think there is others but be careful. ALSO if you have a female betta you could add 5 more girls in ( need BIG tank)

FINALLY if u have a male and female let them visit each other BUT WITH A DIVIDER OR A VASE IN CENTER unless you want 1 dead betta or both. i used to do that (until my male betta died :`( ) and it kept them happy to know that they could see each other ALSO this could be a breeding tip ;] ( if breeding male needs to make a bubbles on the suface of the water called "bubble nest" female needs to have vertical bars like this ll l l ll ll if see females with horizontal lines like this ===== means in stress) good luck =3

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What Can kill a betta fish other than a betta fish?

Well, if you love your Betta fish, then it should live by itself. But if you add another Betta to your current Betta fish's tank, then they will start a fight because Betta Fish are Siamese fighting fish and if one Betta is in contact of another Betta, the possible reason would be a fight between them two.

Can snails live with betta males and females?

Bettas LOVE to eat snails.

Do betta fish eat freeze dried blood worms?

Yes they do. In fact they love them!

Are Betta fish harmful to cats?

no betta fish are not harmful to cats thankfully!hello! i love cats and i now that beta fish is not poisned to cats, they have very strong immunity!

How do make your betta fish dance?

You can place a mirror in front of it and it will fight as though it was another betta. However if you keep the mirror in for too long your betta will get stressed out and die, so best not to do that.

What kinds of betta are there?

There are half moon betta, delta betta, round tail betta, long tailed betta, crown tailed betta, king betta, and others I don't know of yet.

What is a betta?

A betta is a fish of the species Betta, especially Betta splendens, commonly known as the Siamese fighting fish.

How do you get betta eggs?

From a female Betta. Then the male Betta fertilizes them when they breed together.

What is a rare betta?

a wild betta

What is a staple diet for a male betta?

A betta can eat any betta food regardless of the manufacturer; they typically market it as Betta Bites.

How does fish aviod not getting in a fight?

Most fish swim away, or hide. Betta, on the other hand, LOVE to fight.