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show her how much u love her and need her back in your life.... if she loves you she will come back... and say sorry to her for breaking her heart and promise her you wont ever break her heart again... and always tell her you love her... =)

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Q: How do you get your ex back when you cheated on her and break up with her?
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Don't go back to your ex. She is your EX for a reason, & hello, she cheated. Don't hurt someone else because you want to be reckless. If you have feelings for both women, just break up with your long distance girlfriend, but don't get with your ex. It's not fair to string your current girlfriend along or lead her on because you don't know what to do with your life.

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There is probably no way, if he lets you off that easy then you'll most likely do it again and then you'll break up again, plus the long distance part so just move on...

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It sounds as if you were on the rebound and chose another girlfriend before getting over your ex. Your girlfriend deserves the respect and dignity of you telling her the truth and if you don't break up with her then you are using her and the truth will eventually come out and hurt her deeply. Break up and go back to your ex and if she doesn't want you don't go running back to your girlfriend.

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