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Q: How do you get your girl back after being cured from erectile dysfunction?
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What medicines have been approved for erectile dysfunction treatment?

Cialis and Viagra have shown a very successful transition back into sex for men suffering from erectile dysfunction. Ive tried them and can attest to their effectiveness.

Can you come back in pandemic 2 after being cured?

No. I must admit, that after you have been cured, your chances for taking over the world are poor. You can only hope to kill the one's that havent been cured

When you were 48 years old i found bloody sperm disposal from your peniss and after that your organ gets weaker until now what shall you do you want your sex life back yo normal?

Bloody sperm and erectile dysfunction could mean an STD or prostate issue. I strongly urge you to seek the advice of a physician.

What is the best ed treatment?

Diabetes can affect a man's sex life by causing Erectile dysfunction (ED), means man can't have or keep an erection. ED used to be called impotence. Erection requires a precise sequence of events, ED can occur when any of these events is disrupted may be due to physical, mental or any disease. Erectile dysfunction is diagnosed by assessing patient's history, through physical examination and finally some lab tests. Lifestyle changes including exercise, quit smoking, lose weight, and cutting back on alcohol may solve the problem. Numbers of other treatments are also available.

If you get treated and your partner doesn't can they pass it back to you again?

Yes. If your partner is inflected with a disease, and is not treated for that disease, then your partner can give it back to you. Of course, not all diseases are curable. Not all diseases can be cured with treatments. If you are cured of a disease, and your partner who is inflected, is not cured, your partner can pass that communicable disease back to you again.

Will you go back the way you use to be after mental illness has been cured?


What conditions are treated by disk removal?

performed after completion of unsuccessful conservative treatment for back pain.also performed if there is pressure on the lumbosacral nerve roots that causes weakness, bowel dysfunction, or bladder dysfunction.

How is a canker sore cured?

swish salt water back and forth and spit out

How did Philip Amadas die?

We think he died of some sickness that could not be cured back in that time. By anonymous

Which diseases can be cured by osteopathy?

There are no diseases that can be "cured" by osteopathy treatments, however, there are many ailments that can benefit from the treatment by an Osteopath. Some problems, such as low back pain, ankle injuries, and asthma may improve.

What is the meat from the back and sides of a pig called?

The meat from the back and sides of a pig is called bacon. Bacon is usually cured and then dried, boiled or smoked.

Can warts be eradicated?

Yes, there are various creams to treat warts as well as laser treatments to prevent them from coming back.