

Best Answer
  • There are many men of all ages who find it difficult to show their true feelings and it's a fear that they will be looked upon as weak when they should be the protector of the woman they love. Most women are more the romantics; are more open and social and talk to their friends more opening than men do. Men have been taught to not cry; share their feelings and be the stronger sex, but again during these modern times it is very acceptable for a man to open up to his girlfriend or wife and even cry if he needs to and most women respect that and want to help the man they love. You could save your relationship with your ex girlfriend by taking some time out for yourself and asking yourself why you are fearful of expressing your love towards her. You could have been hurt by a former girlfriend or, perhaps your parents are divorced and you are afraid if you get too close to your girlfriend that the relationship will not work out. A wise man or woman knows that their very best friend should be the partner they choose and therefore they should be able to discuss anything that bothers them and find a solution to their problem. If you really love your ex girlfriend and you have taken time out to think of why you fear sharing your feelings then get in touch with her and meet her somewhere and discuss those feelings with her. You will be amazed what a load it is off your shoulders to tell someone you love; respect and trust some of your feelings. Take one baby step after the other until it gets easier for you. People who do not express their feelings can end up depressed or generally not feeling well.
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Q: How do you get your girlfriend back because of fear of showing your feelings?
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How do you Get ex-girlfriend back?

show her that you love her and you want her back and if she doesnt want you back keep showing her attention for like a whole week and then stop checkin for her and then she would come back to you