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You put cheese in the doorway

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Q: How do you get your pet rat to move out of his cage?
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What is better to keep a pet rat in an aquarium or cage?

A cage.

Can a full grown rat fit into a hamster cage?

No. Hamster rat cage don't have enough space to pet rats. You can use Midwest Critter Nation rat cage. It has plenty of space to play and move around. You can check the reviews here- bestratpoisons. com/rat-cage-for-2-rats

Where do you make pet rat live?

make a small home for your pet rat, like a cage and put toilet rolls, a ball, you can put LOADS of things in the cage to make your rat happy.

What do you need to take good care of a pet rat?

start with a good cage for the rat, get rat food and water. remember to take it out of its cage a lot so it doesn't get scared when it needs to. also have a great friendship together.

Where is the best place to get a pet rat and cage from?

Petco and Paridise Pets Walmart is cheap for cages though than the others. What i did was buy the rat at Paridise pets and bought the cage at walmart.

Where does a pet rat live?

You should house your pet rat in a cage with aspen shavings for bedding. A water bottle and a food dish. Don't put the cage in direct sunlight or near any drafts. It is best if you 2 get rats at one time so they can keep each other company while you are not home to play with them. You can put some toys in the cage for your rat to play with. The cage should be 2 feet by 2 feet by 1 foot for each rat you own.

When can you move the rats out to clean the cage?

any time it feels right for you. but at least once a week depending on the size of the cage. (20 gallon aquarium is the best cage you can have). place the rat in a temporary carrieing cage or a running (ball, and a big one at that) move the toys out one by one carfull not to drop anything. clean it in the back yard or in a bathtub if you dont have a yard fill it half way with water. pour in ONLY a capfull of liqued bleach and scrub it nicly. when your done fill it with fresh bedding (woodshavings are best for your pet) put back all the toys and the rat you are now done cleaning out the cage of the best pet a person can have

How do you find a lost pet rat?

If you trained it, you should be able to call its name, so it comes. If not, choose a food your rat like and set it out, keep the cage open so the rat can get in!

Is it safe for a pet rat to be in a wire mesh cage?

No, they can get bumblefoot. It's pretty nasty, like an overgrown blister.

What animal would a pet store employee hate to find has escaped from its cage?

snake, bird, dog, rat

Where can you buy a rat cage in the western cape?

Just use a large bird cage, or a rabbit cage. My rat has a rabbit cage, and she's as happy as can be. My old rat had a bird cage, and he was perfectly fine.

Causes of wheezing?

There are two common causes of wheezing in pet rats or mice. The pet rat or mouse may have caught a cold or either there is dust in the cage from the shavings.