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you should try washing your face in cold water a couple times a day like in the morning late morning noon late after noon at night and before bed a cold shower cold really help too. i have used lemons and it kinda works if u use it a lot but i get lazy good luck

there are plenty of products that use natural (herbal) but powerful ingredients that inhibit (slow down) the production of melanin (what gives skin its color). Look for ingredients such as licorice, kojic, alpha arbutin, glutathione, sepiwhite,

aloe vera, lactic acid (from milk) to name a few.

two good companies are and

natural fruits like lemons, as stated in the answer above, and limes, tomatoes, papaya and orange are also good but results will take longer.

be sure to use sunscreen of at least spf15 afterwards.

the choice to lighten your skin is very personal and people of ALL races and ethnicities do it for various reasons truth be told. Don't allow anyone to make you feel bad or insecure for choosing to do so.

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14y ago

The key thing if you want to get rid of your tan is to exfoliate. Exfoliation removes dead skin on the top layer so that new skin cells (with your original tone) come through.

It is also important to wear sunscreen so you don't get even more tanned!

To help speed up the process, there are natural products that you can use to fade your tan such as lemon juice or turmeric powder.

And if you are really desperate to see results quickly, you can use a skin lightening cream.

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