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You don't. After the snails have mated the snail will go under the soil and lay eggs. The eggs will hatch after about 3 weeks.

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Q: How do you get your snail to give birth?
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Does snail give birth?

Japanese trapdoor snails give birth to live young.

Can snails have babies?

Yes, if you are referring to a snails ability to give birth to live young. Also know as being ovoviviparous. The freshwater aquatic snail commonly named Japanese mystery snail or Chinese trapdoor snail, (Cipangopaludina chinensis) reproduces this way.

How do you keep a snail happy?

To give your snail lots of love and respect,you can give your snail lettuce,cabbage leaves,and a little bit of mud.Put a damp tissue in your jar so it can drink.

How much food do you give a snail?

you would give them two slices

Do snails die right after giving birth?

I just want to know if the female snail dies after birth

Give you names of slow moving animals?

Koalas, Tortoise, Snail, Anakonda KOALAS SNAIL ANAKONDA

Why do you give people your address?

to contact you via snail mail

What is so interesting about a snail shell?

They are physical, visual renditions of Fibonacci's Golden Section. And they give a snail a home. Without it, that snail would be a slug. See the related links below:

How are freshwater snails born?

After the mating process commences, the snails wait about 20 minutes to have their child. This is a surprisingly short amount of time for a snail pregnancy. However, this is true because snails only live for about 2 days.On their death bed, they give birth to a full grown baby snail, more commonly known as a snaillett, and that snail has to find a mate immediately after it was brought into the big blue sea. Then the cycle repeats.

How long does it take a snail to grow?

snails grow by eating it is so true if you have a snail that you want it to grow the best food to give is lettuce that's what i give to my snail to make to grow.

When does a Weddell Seal give birth?

They do give birth and they give birth when its the During breeding seasons.