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Either patch the game, or use a console command to load the map.

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Q: How do you get zombies for Cod waw PC without beating campaign?
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Can you get Nazi zombies for cod 5 on the PS3?

You can get Nazi Zombies in CoD WaW on the PS3. If you are referring to CoD WaW as Cod 5, then your answer is yes. To get Nazi Zombies, simply beat the campaign on any difficulty.

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complete the campaign then you will unlock it

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No. You can only play solo zombies, the campaign, and combat training on cod if you don't have playstation network online

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If mw1 means Modern Warfare One or CoD 4 then the answer is you can't. But you can get CoD 4 weapons on the PC version of Nazi Zombies for CoD 5.

What diffulty do you have to beat to unlock nazi zombies cod 5?

Any difficulty, just beat the game's campaign once.

Can you buy nazi zombies without having call of duty?

no stupid, its a cod exlusive

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does cod 2 uprising has a campaign mode

Will there be zombies in cod black ops II?

Yes there will be zombies and zombies campain

Does Call of Duty classic have zombies?

Co ghosts wont have zombies because it is made by infinity ward and they didn't make zombies, treyarch did. So that means there won't be zombies in cod ghosts

Are they making a new call of duty Just Zombies?

Its probably not going to happen. The Call of Duty franchise didn't have zombies until "Call of Duty: World at War" and all of the other Cod titles had campaign and multiplayer.

What cod games have nazi zombies?

cod: world at war & cod: black ops

Zombies in Cod Black ops?

There is definitely zombies in COD BO, even though it was made by different people to WaW.