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A crested gecko is a species of gecko that enjoys humidity. This species does not require a bowl of water but instead they enjoy daily mistings. By spraying the terrarium this increases the humidity level as well as a water source. The crested gecko will lap up droplettes from the walls of the terrarium or from the accessories.

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12y ago

we just put it in a shallow dish (we use a plate, we`re ghetto like that) that way the turtle can play around in it and have water to drink. you have to change it every few days, but it works for us.

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14y ago

All they need is a most hide. Just take some papper towel and put it in one hide and wet it once a day. put it on the worm side of the tank

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Q: How do you give a leopard gecko moisture in its cage?
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Is there an antibiotic you can give a leopard gecko?

Yes there is. Go to the vet with your Gecko and ask if it needs antibiotics if you think it needs them. One of my ill Leopard Geckos is on antibiotics because of a mysterious skin burn.

How do you get your parents to give you a pet leopard gecko?

explain how you would take care of the leopard gecko and that you would take good care of it and you would buy it with you money do NOT keep nagging them about then they will not be as likely to get you one rather gentley remind them every week or so i know this seems like a long time but it's worth it when you have your leopard gecko.

Can you give a leopard gecko any fruit?

yes, you can feed them apples, grapes, and bananas. but remember to cut them up in pieces big or small enoug for your gecko

Do leopard geckos like tummy rubs?

it depends on how close you are to your leopard gecko. for instance, when my sister goes into my room, my leopard gecko hides in her cave. if i go into my room, she comes out of her cave and watches me. she loves tummy rubs, only if i give them. she didnt always like tummy rubs. she had to like me first.

Where does a leopard gecko need to lay its' eggs?

Not sure if this is a serious question, but leopards are mammals, which means they give birth to live offspring...not eggs.

Do leopard geckos HAVE to eat live food?

No. People feed leopard geckos "pinkies" for various reasons. To boost nutrition during a geckos pregnancy. To give a gecko a large feeding so as to not have to feed it for a week (this works well if you want to take a vacation). Some people just think it's entertaining. A Leopard Gecko does not "need" to eat baby mice. Crickets will do.

How do you get a leopard gecko to eat crickets Previous owner only fed him wax worms?

My leopard gecko will only eat mealworms from his dish he's about 2 1/2 long and I tried givin him a cricket and he pulled away from it every time I tried to give em it how come he's doing this?

How do you give a panther gecko a bath?

You dont give a panther gecko baths

If a leopard gecko doesn't want to be held what do you do?

Keep trying to hold it. It will soon get used to you, and will grow more comfortable in being held. Hold it with your hands inside it's tank/cage, so if it jumps down it can't run away. Don't grab it, but gently give it a nudge onto your hand.

Do you have to feed leopard geckos crickets?

You do not have to feed your leopard gecko just crickets, you can feed your leopard gecko mealworms as a main staple of the diet also. You can also feed your leopard geckos waxworms as a treat, you want to be stingy with these because your leopard gecko can get addicted to the waxworms and not eat anything else. Hope I helped! They will eat just about any small insect when hungry, care should be taken to ensure that they are not able to eat any poisonous insects. Spiders are generally fine, but eating certain caterpillars are most definitely not good for geckos - or any other lizard.

Can i give my leopard gecko meal worm beetles?

You can yes, but the exo skeleton of those black beetle are so thick, that most gecko species do not enjoy eating them. Remove them from the enclosure, if the beetle gets hungry there has been cases that they bite the eye of the reptiles whilst sleeping.

When do you feed a high yellow baby leopard gecko?

Feed your baby leopard gecko every other day, as many bugs as it will eat at one time. Remove all of the remaining insects when it stops hunting and eating them. If you don't, they could harrass or even nibble on and injure your gecko. Baby leopard geckos eat 1/4" crickets and small mealworms. Both should be dusted with calcium powder. They also love phoenix worms and small silk worms, which are very healthy, and enjoy an occasional treat of wax worms or butter worms. Take care not to feed an inside larger than the space between the gecko's eyes, or it could choke or injure its mouth trying to eat it. Be sure that you have a basking spot on one side of the cage that is exactly 90F, and the cool side should be at 80F. This is important because lizards must move around to change their body temperature--they need to be the right temperature to digest food, so you have to give them areas to get warmer and cooler. Leopard geckos also need a small shallow water dish, and a small butter tub with a round hole cut in the lid that they can easily climb into and out of. Put a later of damp moss inside the tub, and change the moss often to prevent it from souring or growing mold. This is called a humid hide. Put it on the cool side of the cage. Put an ordinary hide cage on the hot side of the cage. Geckos need to be able to hide to feel safe and secure.