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Dear _____________________ : The Landlord/Tenant Act requires me to give you written notice __________ days prior to the end of the lease that the lease will be terminated. This is written notice of my intent to have you vacate the premises on or before ___________. You may contact me at ________________________ should you have any questions. Sincerely, (landlord)

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Q: How do you give a tenant notice to terminate a lease?
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Can a landlord give a tenant 14 days to move when they have a signed lease?

Normally the landlord must give at least a 30-day notice before the expiration of the lease that he will not renew it, so the tenant must leave. There is one exception: if the tenant is in violation of the terms of the lease, the landlord may terminate the lease and give such short notice for the tenant to leave.

Can the landlord terminate a lease agreement if the landlord has sold the property?

This would depend upon the terms of the lease, but generally depend on why the landlord wants to terminate the lease. If the tenant violated the terms of the lease then the landlord can terminate the lease after proper warning or after proper notice is given. Otherwise the landlord has to wait until the lease expires and can choose not to renew.

How many days notice does a tenant give a landlord to terminate lease in Texas?

If you are on a fixed term lease, there is probably a provision in the written lease agreement that sets out the procedure for terminating the lease. If you're on a periodic (month to month) tenancy, you must give one month's advance notice. Getting out of a fixed term lease early could be difficult unless you can get your landlord to agree to it, or unless you can find a suitable new tenant to take over the balance of the lease. Otherwise you could be liable for paying rent for the remainder of the lease term, and possibly also for paying the landlord's expenses to ready the premises for reletting to a new tenant.

How much notice does a landlord have to give a tenant when selling the property?

in most states, no notice whatever, as the lease is an asset and goes with the property and the tenant's lease is safe--the tenant will be minimally allowed to stay till the lease expires.

Can a lanlord evict a tenant giving one weeks notice?

This depends on several factors, including whether the eviction is because of a serious or repititious lease violation, whether there is a written lease, and if the rent is on a month-to-month or week-to-week basis. Did the Landlord give the one-week notice or did the Tenant? Is there a written lease? Then the answer is probably "no," unless it's because of a serious or repititious violation of the terms of the lease. If there is no violation involved and there is a written lease, then the landlord or tenant must give at least a 30-day notice before the lease expires. The tenant cannot move out during the lease period unless the Landlord agrees to allow such. If there is no lease and the rent is month-to-month, then the landlord or tenant must give at least 30 days of notice before the next rent is due. If there is no lease and the rent is on a week-to-week basis, then one week's notice is given by either side, before the next rent is due. He can also give a week's notice if there is a lease and that lease is being seriously violated by the Tenant. Now, a week's notice, or whatever notice is given, is not an automatic right of the landlord to force you out of your home: he must follow proper eviction proceedings.

How soon can you ask your renters for a new lease?

A landlord should give the tenant written notice that the lease is ending, 60 days before the end of lease. The notice gives the tenant the option of either renewing the lease or announcing (also in writing) that they don't intend to renew & will be moving by end of lease.

How much notice does a tenant have to get rid of a pet?

If the pet is included on the lease then the landlord cannot give the tenant such an order until the lease term expires. If this is a month-to-month tenancy then the landlord has to give the tenant a 30 day notice of such before the next rent is due.

What happens when a landlord asks a tenant to vacate?

If there is no lease involved, and there are no violations of the terms of the lease or agreement, the landlord has to give at least 30 days of notice before the next rent is due, for the tenant to vacate the premises. If there is a lease involved and there are no violations of the terms of the lease, the landlord must wait until the end of the lease term in order to ask tenant to vacate the premises. If the tenant does not vacate the premises after proper notice is given that the landlord must initiate eviction proceedings to force the tenant out

Is a landlord exempt from giving 30-days notice stated in the lease agreement to a tenant if the property is about to be sold at foreclosure?

No. If the property is about to be foreclosed, the landlord has no obligation to give the tenant any notice of anything. After the foreclosure, the landlord will have nothing to do with the tenant.

How do i renew one year lease?

Generally you can renew a lease by stating your intention in writing to the landlord and awaiting their response to you. If a landlord does not give you any type of response within 30 days of the end of your lease you are able to stay on a month to month basis. They must give you notice to leave, they can not make you leave. Generally a tenant does not have to give a notice to leave at the end of their lease.

Can someone with a Power of attorney for someone who inherited his mothers property evict without notice if he sells property in Ohio?

The person in the property (the tenant) will have a lease. This is a legal document which sets out how the tenant may be evicted (but can not ignore the federal or state laws that may also apply). This lease is between the tenant and the landlord (whoever the landlord may be) and it will normally specify a period of notice that the landlord MUST give the tenant if the landlord wishes to evict the tenant. So look at the lease and get an attorney if you are worried.

When the lease agreement ends can you ask the tenant to leave if I do not wish to renew the lease?

Yes. You should do it carefully, however, so that there is no appearance of the lease continuing on a month-to-month basis. One month before the end of the lease, send a written letter to the tenant stating that you intend to terminate the lease on its expiring date. Do not accept any rent money for periods after the end of the lease or you have automatically renewed the lease on a month-to-month basis (the details depend on your jurisdiction, I am thinking of California as I answer this). You are entitled to show the unit to prospective tenants as long as you give the required notice and do it during approved or normal business hours.