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You first call 911. They you lie them down. Loosen any restrictive clothing, monitor their breathing and pulse. keep them warm with a blanket. Raise their feet 10 inches off the ground, above their head. Keep giving them reassuring thoughts such as 'It's okay' even if they are unconscious.

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To make sure they aren't seriously injured and that they are breathing normal. (:

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13y ago

The goal is to ensure that the victim is in a safe area, has no major head injuries or in fact any other injury, and breathing is stable.

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to prolong life and treat minor wounds.

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to save the life of others

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Q: How do you give first aid to a person who is unconscious from shock?
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she is generous person give example .

What first aid should be given to person with electronic burns?

Give him a very strong electrical shock of 500 to 600 volts.

Can you give your self CPR?

No, most of the time when CPR is required the person is unconscious and therefore is unable to give CPR to themselves. A person can give themselves a modified version of the Heimlich maneuver though.

Why is it dangerous to give an unconscious person something to drink?

It's dangerous because - when someone is unconscious, their gag reflex doesn't work. This means that - if you give them something to drink - the fluid will go into their lungs instead of down to their stomach - causing them to literally drown !

Should you give someone suffering from insulin shock candy?

Yes! If a person is in shock from lack of glucose (sugar), waiting wont do any good. If the person is in shock, however, he/she won't likely be conscious. DO NOT put hard objects like candy in an unconscious person, as this fall into and block an air pathway, and kill the person. So, rub sugar (or another sweet powder) in the mouth for the person to get the needed glucose. If something like candy falls down a person's air pathway (miraculously doesn't get stuck) and falls into a lung... the person might need an operation to get it back out.

What is the defention of collaspe?

Of a structure, to fall down or give way. Of a person, to fall down and become unconscious as a result of illness or injury

Why wouldn't you shock with an AED monitor?

The monitor will not give the shock.

Things not to do when shock?

When a person is in shock, there are certain things that should not be done to them. An individual should not give the person in shock anything to eat or drink, should not wait to call 911 (because the condition could get worse) and should neither move the person nor elevate his or her legs if a spinal injury, head injury, neck injury and/or broken bones in the hips or legs are suspected.

Most important step preparing to treat a victim for shock?

You should always follow the pneumonia ABC. Airway, Breathing, Circulation. The most important step in treating a victim of shock is ensuring that they have a patent airway. The next step is to ensure that the victim is breathing adequately. Then, the victim's pulse should be assessed and any active bleeding should be controlled with direct pressure.

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What is the good samaritan law in NJ for health care providers?

The person in which you are trying to help must be unconscious, and unable to give you permission, you are then expected to help that person. If they have issues down the road you're ok because of this law.

Never give gargle to unconscious patients why?

Because the fluid can be aspired by the lungs and causes a deadly asphyxia.