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Go and play Ice Fishing and at the end give the Huge Mullet the fish for the bait instead of the worm so keep the last yellow fish that you get on your line and wait for the mullet to come and it will take the bait.

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Q: How do you give the fish the worm on club penguin?
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How do you get a fish on aqua grabber club penguin?

get a worm and the fish will bite it if you want to catch the big fish get fish beside the big fish the big fish will eat it

How do you catch the mullet on club penguin aqua grabber?

well, first catch the worm, using the worm as bait capture the fluffy(yellow fish) then using the yellow fish as bait capture the mullet

How do you get past the mullet in aqua grabber soda seas in club penguin?

To get past the mullet in soda seas on Club Penguin, you have to get a worm. Then catch a yellow fish with the worm. Then feed the yellow fish to the mullet. You can choose to keep the mullet and put it into the net or you can set it free. If you choose to catch it you will get 1000 coins. Good Luck!

How do you get the worm in Club Penguin at the soda seas?

you play club penguin so your not straight enough to know

How do you cacth the fish on club penguin?

Well you cacth fluffy the dude fish on the soda seas when you collect the last cream soda In the right up corner hit yourself at that corner and you will see the bait (Worm) then cacth it and give it to Fluffy.

How do you use the worm to catch the fish on aqua grabber on club penguin?

you have to hit ur sub against the worm nest till the worm falls out. catch the worm, then go near a fish and try to get the fish to swim into the worm. the fish will grab hold of ur claw. then go to where the big red fish is and make the red fish swim into the orange fish and the red fish will eat it. u get extra points if ya take the red fish to the net. it don't matter if ya don't. then go through the passageway that u couldn't go through cos of the red fish.....

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Do you mean as in Shark, penguin, fish, worm?

How do you feed the fish to a shark on club penguin?

you dont want to feed the sharks. if you try they will just eat your line and you will lose a worm. But at the end of the game the big orange fish (the mullet) will come! To catch that you must save one of your fish and then put it in front of his face.

Does Club Penguin trainer have a virus?

Yes it does i it gives you one of the worse viruses ever the trogan worm

Where is the crab in aqua grabber on club penguin?

you collect the barrels in soda seas,then ram the roof of the left cave,and a worm will fall,get the worm and get the yellow fish to eat the worm.then make the mullet eat the fish (the fish will try to make you bump into a wall and drop him) then let the mullet go then go through where the mullet was and go down then you will see the the crab.

On Club Penguin how do you get passed mulet?

just get the worm from the last place you get the cream get the worm you hit the top.then when you get the worm,you try catching the fish.then you go to the mullet and catch it.let the mullet go.

Where do you get worm in aqua grabber club penguin?

first you get to the 5th cave and bump the rocks at the top if he does not fall hit it again