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To sum it up you made a costly mistake. I have a feeling this isn't quite like you. A moment of weakness perhaps. We all make mistakes. Most people don't intentionally connects with an abuser because there is nothing about them that one would love. Although abusers can entice their victims by being nice, faking love, good lovers and your best friend, they are not! Abusers are users and control freaks and all that is leading up to your relationship is like a bad theater play. It's easy to get caught up with the wrong person because we have different moods in our lives (loneliness, fantasies, fear of making a mistake if we walk away, and fear of ones own emotions.) You seem confused. You say he's abusive, yet you say you're turned off even though he has remained the same. Again, it appears from the way you posted this is just not like you at all. You're stronger than that and very independent. I think you surprised yourself by your own actions. It's time to say bye-bye and walk away. It doesn't matter if you are just living together, just got married, just get away. No one (man/woman) should ever be abused. Good luck Marcy

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Q: How do you go from loving an abusive man to almost thinking he's so gross and wanting to avoid him during the honeymoon stage even though his behavious stays the same yet you feel turned off?
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