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1st clear your mind of pastpresent and future then u count slowly giving u a slow normal breathing pattern next relax all mussels start with the face clench all mussels in then do the rest of the body repeat that staying with a regular breathing pattern and you should fall asleep .................................. or you could just where your self out that works to!

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14y ago
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12y ago

You can drink milk before you go to bed it will relax you. it would be better if its warm. You can take a warm relaxing bath. stay away from books tv and any electronics they will KEEP YOU UP ALL NIGHT!! trust me!! Hope this will help you. i have had the same problem with not falling asleep and staying up late these th

ings have helped me.

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13y ago

being firm about it and struggling to fall asleep and not letting your mind think at something else. Just try to empty your entire mind and to think only at the color white and imagine that all around you all is white. You are in a white room, with nothing else it. This is your mind. An empty room that is very at ease and relaxed

.....this probaly a load of bull dung but it helps some people.

Niall ^^

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12y ago

When you get enough exercise, your body wants to go into a state of rest. So to answer your questions, I would do some exercise possibly an hour or 2 before your about to go to bed, then take a calming shower. Then go into bed without having the temptation to go onto your laptop, phone, or watch tv; as these keep you awake. Following these tips can help you fall asleep faster!

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14y ago

Picture something in your mind, such as buildings landscapes even people

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14y ago

read a book for about 20 minutes and then you'll be tired and then just relax

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12y ago

Try by relaxing and thinking of not much, you might even discover that you prefer sleeping with the lights on (i dont) but if it helps then there you go

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9y ago

Think of the color black, or simply forget about everything and relax your body.

then play warm music

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12y ago

well, you have to either be really tired or take setitives

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Q: How can you fall asleep really fast?
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You really are tired

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Fall asleep fast?

you need to remove distractions from your sleeping area and understand that counting sheep is a legitimate way to fall asleep, you need to close your eyes and be comfortable to do this.

What are the steps to fall asleep fast?

Different people fall asleep in different ways. Most use sleeping pills to help them fall asleep and stay asleep, while others prefer natural procedures such as taking a shower before bed, exercising before sleeping, or counting sheep.

How do you make sleeping potions?

you cant really make sleeping potions. you can make someone (or yourself) fall asleep by watching a really boring boring movie late at night and you will fall asleep :)

How can you fall asleep fast without counting sheep?

Take presribe medications or just overdose!

How do you fall asleep in 30 seconds?

slam your head really hard into a wall or a concrete driveway. you will fall asleep in less than 30 seconds. very effective.

What is the difference between fall asleep and fell asleep?

Fall asleep is future tense Ex. I am going to fall asleep. Fell asleep is past tense Ex. I fell asleep.

How funny is Simon Cowell?

really funny when he wants to be but when he is boring, you fall asleep!

How can you train your brain to move objects with a thought process?

It takes alot of practice.But it is known to be fake. First you fall asleep, but before you fall asleep try really hard to remember you are about to fall asleep, then when you are asleep only if you know you are asleep, picture the object then move it. when you wake up go to the object and it will have moved back from the place you moved it.

How do you fall asleep at night when you have insomnia?

Try reading a book, This tires your eyes out and will help you fall asleep a little fast. There are also medications over and under the counter, Talk to you doctor and see what one is best for you.