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The ziehl stain smear shows presence of pus cells along with long slender beaded acid fast bacill.

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Q: How do you grade acid fast bacilli in pus samples?
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What disease condition is characterized by acid-fast bacilli infection of the lungs?

Pulmonary tuberculosis is caused by acid fast bacilli infection of the lungs.

What the meaning no acid fast bacilli seen?

no bacteria seen

What disease is an acid-fast bacilli smear?

Mycobacterial, tuberculosis

Why are the bacteria that cause leprosy referred to as acid-fast bacilli?

Because special staining techniques involving acids are required to view these bacteria under the microscope, they are referred to as acid-fast bacilli (AFB).

What bacteria which are weak acid fast?

Mycobacteria (e.g. tuberculosis, lepra, kansaii, avium intracellulare, etc.)

What is sputum ASB test?

It is actually a sputum AFB test (acid-fast bacilli).

What is AFB test?

Acid fast bacilli test. Most frequently referenced in testing for tuberculosis.

What disease is an acid-fast bacilli smear used for diagnosis?

Acid-fast staining is used in determining tuberculosis. It can also track the progress of antibiotic therapy and determine how contagious a person is. Yay A&M microbiology lab!

What staining procedure will be used to observe bacteria in the sputum sample?

acid fast staining or Ziel Neelson staining for observing Mycobacteria tuberculosis or Koch bacilli from sputum sample.

What bacteria is used in acid-fast staining?

It is used for those bacteria which contain fat or lipid layer on their outer wall, and did not stain with grams staining. e.g. Mycobacterium

What is the fluorochrome staining technique for mycobacterium?

a fluorescent dye used to stain the cell walls of fungi and bacteria. The organisms then fluoresce when exposed to UV light rays. It is commonly used to visualize acid-fast bacilli (mycobacteria) in specimens. An example is acridine orange staincomsats Pharmacy (

What is sputum AFB test?

Acid fast bacilli test. Most frequently referenced in testing for tuberculosis.