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In order to direct message someone they must follow you, and you must follow them. If this is the case, simply type D:theirtwittername and then your message or question??! send it to 40404.

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13y ago

Reply to someone's tweet who can in turn reply to yours. As long as the persons username is mentioned in the tweet then you will get the message and you can chat.

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You can watch it by just going to the link but you can't contribute to the conversation.

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it means you had a conversation or someone replied to you (jp_alacios18)

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on facebook and twitter but dont expect to have a long conversation unless he really likes you 0R if you have backstage passes to go see him

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Because people under a certain age shouldn't be subjected to certain topics of conversation, language etc.

How do you open up your twitter messages?

Assuming you are using the new version of Twitter, go to the top bar where it says "Messages". Once there, on the side it will show your message. Click it, and it opens up the conversation on the right side. If you are using the old Twitter, then go to the tab on the right side of your home page that says "Direct Messages" and it will display your messages down the page.

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Most European Americans regard eye contact during a conversation as indicative of interest and trustworthiness. (Twitter: @Soo_Sassy)

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Can i have a conversation with young jinsu?

Young Jinsu has an aim that he allows everyone to contact him at. its YoungJinsu. You'd be lucky if he writes back. Young Jinus's aim is soo hected , he moved to twitter . &You can't have a full-blown conversation with Jinsu on his saynow , but you can send him messages& me'd probably call you back , his number is 650-331-1747

Does minless behavior have Twitter?

yes they do have a twitter a twitter account.

Why does Twitter use the number sign?

In Twitter, the number sign is called a "hashtag" and it's used as a way of grouping or categorizing tweets, as Twitter does not have that functionality included. So, for instance, during the presidential debates certain hashtags were set for everyone to use in their tweets when discussing the debates. This allows you to go to Twitter Search, search for the hashtag and then follow all comments that include it. So in real time, you can follow the comments and respond to them, creating a conversation about a given topic. Others use them to denote discussion of events, groups, TV shows, movies, themed discussions, world events, and more. It also tells you that its on twitter.

How old do you have to be do go on twitter?

There are no age requirements to have a Twitter account or use a Twitter account.