

How do you have babies on Sims 3 without being in love?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Click your cell phoe. Click "services" then when the thing pops up click "adoption" then wait until the adoption service worker gets to your house, a screen will pop up saying how old you want the child to be.

*Warning: The child will most likely not look like your Sim and will not be what you wanted.

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Q: How do you have babies on Sims 3 without being in love?
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'I own the game and you can have babies.' BeaBear Answered: It's true that you can have babies, but your sims must be in a LOVE situation, look at their relationships and a RED heart will show love, place your sims relaxed in a double bed and click 'Try for a Baby' Or, in a hotub let them cuddle first, then select 'Try for a baby'. It's not 100% Correct just like real life, sometimes the trying can fail, keep trying!

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