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You should see a doctor, as it might be an infection.

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Q: How do you heal a bump that has formed on the bottom of your tongue a few weeks after a piercing?
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Is it normal for you to have a white circle on your tongue around the bottom bar of your tongue piercing. Please note I have had my tongue piercing for three weeks and two days now?

it depends where you go if you do it yourself its 5 dollars for hollow needle mine at Clair's were 20 for belly button 115 for ears (including jewelry)

Can you remove your tongue piercing before six weeks?

Usually a tongue piercing only needs about a month for the fistula to be formed enough to change jewelry. although, if it still feels sore or seems raw, I would wait longer. Also, if you want to remove it to hide it, I would definitely wait longer than six weeks.

When can you change tongue piercing?

It is recommended to wait at least 4-6 weeks before changing a tongue piercing, as it allows for proper healing. However, it is best to consult with a professional piercer for specific advice based on your healing progress.

How king does it take for a Tongue piercing to heal?

At least 4-8 weeks

How long after you get your tongue ring will it stop swelling?

A complete healing of tongue piercing can take up to 4 weeks.

How long can you not eat dairy after tongue piercing?

two weeks! defiantly wanna avoid a yeast infection on your tongue!

How long does it take 4 a tongue piercing heal?

Around 6 to 8 weeks

When will I get used to eating with a tongue piercing?

3-4 weeks tops and it depends on the types of food .

How long after can you change a tongue web piercing?

24-48 hours

What should you do if your tongue piercing caused an enlarged hole?

The barbell is too long for the piercing and should have been shortened after two weeks, get a shorter barbell in the piercing and it should settle down.

How long does it take to a tongue piercing to heal'?

Anywhere from 2-4 weeks. It varies from person to person.

When can you chnage tongue piercing?

It is recommended to wait 4-6 weeks before changing a tongue piercing to allow for proper healing. Changing it too soon can cause irritation, infection, or delay the healing process. Make sure to clean the new jewelry and wash your hands thoroughly before changing the piercing.