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Keep your face and hands clean and leave the little bugger alone. It is never good to pop a pimple or a zit because bacteria can enter the bloodstream or cause an infection and scarring on your face. I prefer using an astringent that contains 2% salicylic acid and then using a toner. I also use a moisturizer for the face every night that contains benzoyl peroxide that will kill bacteria that cause acne. If you use make-up, make sure to clean your brushes and recycle all product every 3 months or sooner. It helps to eat a healthy diet and drink 6-8 glasses of water every day! :) HOPE THIS HELPS!

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12y ago
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13y ago

Don't pop it in the first place. Bathe it in an antiseptic (Something like watered down Dettol) or place an antiseptic cream (Like Savalon) on it every 6 hours.

Eventually it will go down.

If it persists, see a doctor - that is what they are for.

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12y ago

You can't just instantly "get rid of" a zit, but you can help lessen its appearance. Put a cold ice compress on it for as long as you can stand and as much as you can before you go out. This will help lessen the swelling.

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13y ago

If it doesn't pop, then you can't pop it. And popping zits is very bad for you as well.

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15y ago

Put some antibiotic on it and wait.

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Q: What should you do with a non popping zit?
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Does popping a zit hurt?

Not really it all depends on where it's at

What does John Belushi eat before popping zit?

In the movie 'Animal House", John Belushi had a mouthful of mashed potatoes when he pretended to be a zit.

How can you lose a zit without going through the popping proccess?

Leave it alone and it will just go away!

What is an easy way to pop a zit?

First of all you are never supposed to pop a zit! Popping a zit can lead to infection and its just plain gross! or you could always soak a needle in rubbing alcohol then use it to puncture the head of the zit, being careful not to puncture too deeply, then squeeze it slightly. After you pop the zit wash your face and hands thoroughly.

Why are people fascinated with zit popping?

yes and no. they like popping pimples because most people believe in buety. no because it hurts and also it could cause more pimples

What is a blackhead popping?

Blackhead popping is when someone pops a zit, or blackhead on their forehead, nose, cheek, or chin. A blackhead is a build up of sloughed off skin cells that plug up the pores.

How do you have pimpels on the penis?

Usually these are the result of ingrown hairs, and will resolve themselves without intervention. If it seems to be turning into a zit, with some pus in the middle, you can try gently popping it and washing it carefully like you would with a zit anywhere else.

Is pus from a popped zit bad to get on skin?

No, but it shouldn't be there in the first place-pus either comes from a picked zit or othere skin infections, or if it's coming from a cut, the cut's infected. Basically, DONT GO AROUND POPPING ZITS

What is a blind zit?

A Blind Zit can be a fairly large or fairly small pimple that has been stored far beneath the skin.These types of zits are not easily popped because there is a layer of skin blocking it, which is usually the cause of the large bump.Unless the zit rises to the surface, you can use a needle to poke into the middle of the zit to reach the pocket. However, I highly recommend not using this method to get rid of the zit.How to get rid of the Blind Pimple:My own personal way of getting rid of blind pimples is by NOT POPPING THE ZIT. Under any circumstances, do not pop this zit. It will only cause scarring and pain.Freeze an ice pack in the freezer and every night, take the ice pack out and place it on the zit when you are sleeping. The cold will help decrease swelling and make the zit smaller.After a while, you might be able to pluck off the top and squeeze the blood out. (Sometimes, blood is all you will get so don't pick too much. Just take the blood out to relieve the pressure.) IMMEDIATELY wash your face after removing the blood. Continue to use the ice pack until the pimple is completely gone.How to pop the zit safely:If you wish to pop your zit due to personal reasons, do the complete opposite from my method. Use a hot pack every night and place it on the zit while you sleep.After a few nights, see if the zit has risen to the surface. If it has, simply pluck off the top and squeeze the zit out.Some cons about using this method is you will have scarring and there may be a lot of bleeding. Also, when you pop the zit, it might hurt!(ZPT) Zit Popping Tip:When popping zits, use your knuckles instead of using your finger tips. This will prevent the fingernail indents and prevent a scar.

How could a person get information on how to get rid of a giant zit?

Zits and pimples are caused by blockages of glands. Instead of popping them it is best to wash one's hands and face and pat dry with a clean towel. Apply an acne treatment to the zit and moisturize the area with a topical cream.

Popping acne bad?

i wouldn't really pop a zit because whether its big or small it could leave a scar which takes longer to heal. you should let it heal on its own. put some creme on daily to 2x a day.

I have a Big zit under my nose and my friend is having a party in 2 days what should i do?

pop it or use a clearskin zit drier.