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Start be getting information from this person about the signs and affects of the abuse. See if there are any meetings in your area to take this person to so they can hear first hand about the emotional, physical and mental scars that are left on a victim. Stand by them and support them and ask them how they would like to go about getting away from the abuser and what you can do for them. Do not however let this take over your life. By wanting to help is a wonderful gesture but this person also has to want help. Show them clippings from the newspaper, I just had two in mine today of woman that were abused by ex's and murdered. Sad but true..

AnswerYou could find someone better for your friend in the abusive relationship. Call the police on that abuser. Talk to her and let her know how speicial they are and how they deserve better because their worth more than what they put up with. or last but not least pray for them to see the light and get out of that kind of unhealthy lifestyle.
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try talking to them about it. Let them know that you are worried about them. They might get defensive, & if they do, just listen and don't fight back. Give them examples of what you see, and ask them if that is what they really want for themselves. Ask them if they are truly happy. Maybe suggest couples counseling. The main thing to get across is that you recognize what is happening, and that you are worried. Then next time something abusive happens he/she will remember what you said and eventually, hopefully leave the situation.

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You have to be really serious and tell him what you think.Don't hold back in this matter. I think so too. but if that doesn't work, just kill his girlfriend. That one will always work.

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Q: What can one do to help someone who you know is in an abusive relationship?
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One reason may be is that they don't know how to help. Another reason may be they are afraid to help. The power that an abuser has over the abused is frightening, both emotionally and physically. It is not unheard of that an abusive relationship can end in murder. Often times the abused person has been brainwashed into thinking they don't deserve anything better. Or they know they need help, but are too afraid to ask for it. There are professional organizations that are trained to help people get out of abusive relationships. They will offer a safe place to stay, counseling and the tools to start their life over. The abused person is the only one who can make positive steps to leave an abusive relationship. The best that family and friends can do is support that decision.

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try being in there shoes and let them know that your there for them and tell them that its hard to confess but you feel better and safer

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Sometimes people will deny being in an abusive relationship and will not ask for help, but if it is very clear that they are being abused then tell someone in a position of authority about it (cops, teachers, parents, and other people you trust) Before discussing this with your friend, do some home work. I have listed some links to help you so you will be ready when she wants some help.

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I would say as quickly as possible before it gets out of hand!

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If you were in an abusive relationship, there are places that will help you do that so your spouse will not know. Look at your local justice center.