

How do you hit your p spot?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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12y ago

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There is a recent study that says the g-spot is a myth.

The G Spot is supposedly located in the vaginal canal about 2-3 inches in on the interior wall facing forward. If you place your finger in as far as it will go and curve it so it is pointing toward the belly button on the inside vaginal wall you will probably reach it.

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13y ago
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16y ago

Thankfully. Never try to get there from cold. Don't even try till you've had at least one - or even better two - really intense Os (by other kinds of stimulation). When you reach you'll experience a wild sense of excitement. The G-spot is on the inner wall of the vagina about half way up. To avoid misunderstanding, it should be stressed that it's not a 'wonder spot' or a 'button' or magic key to take you all the way to ecstasy and beyond - to floating out of body and so on. It doesn't work mechanically. Have fun! :)

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13y ago

perosnally i just put it in and go to town, and so far it has been pretty effective.

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12y ago

You get something to put up ur but like a tooth brush and you lube it up and then put it up your butt and go up as far as you want until it starts feeling good :)

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