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Q: How do you identify like poles and unlike poles in magnet?
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What is the relationship between the poles on the magnet?

like poles attract unlike poles repel

What are the Two properties of magnet?

Magnets have two poles north and south. Like poles repel and unlike poles attract.

The North Pole of a magnet will repel with the North Pole of another magnet?

Yes. When unlike poles meet,they attract.When like poles meet, they repel.

How many does a magnet pole have?

It has 2 Poles the North Pole and the South Pole . Extra Info . : Like Poles repel where as unlike Poles attract .

How does magnet attract and repel?

it can can pull different sides like the s=south and the n=north.

What are the the characteristics of a magnet?

A magnet creates a magnetic field, which is directive with two polar regions (termed north and south). A magnet attracts non-magnetized ferromagnetic materials (iron, steel, nickel) , and each pole attracts oppositely-charged magnets, while repelling like charges and poles.

How do the poles of a magnet attract or repel?

Unlike poles attract and like poles repel. This applies to charged particles and magnets alike.

Is it true that like poles of a magnet attract each other while unlike poles repel each other?

no because the north attracts north and the south attracts the south

What do like poles on a magnet do?


What are the property of a magnet?

A magnet possess the four properties:-attractive property-directive property-like poles repel and unlike poles attract-poles always exists in pairsattractive property: if you bring a magnet near iron filings, the iron filing will get attracted to the magnet. this is the attractive property.directive property:if a magnet is freely suspended by a thread, it will align itself in the north-south direction. this is called the directive poles repel and unlike poles attract: a bar magnet's north pole is brought near the north pole of another magnet, it is observed that the the two magnets get repelled. if the same north pole is brought near the south pole of another magnet, the two magnets get attracted.poles always exists in pairs: when a magnet is cut into pieces, it will always have two poles, that is , north and south. even the smallest magnets will have this property. it is called the dipole property.

What happens when you break a magnet in half?

The north and south poles would remain. The two new pieces would now have a north and a south. The magnet would still be magnetic, with its like poles repelling each other and its unlike poles attracting each other.

Why do opposite pole of magnet attract each other?

A Magnet attracts or repels other Magnets, depending on their mutual orientation of North and South Poles. When placing like Poles of two Magnets together, the Magnets repel each other,