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A noun clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a verb but is an incomplete thought that can't stand on it's own.

A noun clause can perform the function of a noun as the subject of a sentence and the object of a verb or a preposition. Examples:

The boy wearing number six is my brother. (subject of sentence)

My car is the one parked next to the fire hydrant. (direct object of verb)

I need a cup of soup for the man sitting at table eight. (object of preposition 'for')

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2d ago

A noun clause is a dependent clause that functions as a noun within a sentence. It can act as the subject, object, or complement of a verb. Noun clauses often start with subordinating conjunctions such as "that," "whether," or "wh-" words like "who," "what," "where," etc.

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No, "as you" is not a noun clause. As is serving as a conjunction and you is a pronoun.

Can a dependent clause also be a noun clause?

Yes, a dependent clause can also be a noun clause. A noun clause functions as a noun within a sentence and can act as the subject, object, or complement. It begins with a subordinating conjunction or a question word and contains a subject and a predicate.

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A noun clause is a group of words containing a subject and its verb but is not a complete sentence. A noun clause takes the place of a noun and cannot stand on its own.The noun clause is whatever is served.The noun clause is the direct object of the verb 'will eat'.

What clause is noun clause?

A noun clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a verb but is an incomplete thought that can't stand on it's own. A noun clause can perform the function of a noun as the subject of a sentence and the object of a verb or a preposition. A clause is like a sentence that's within a sentence. A noun clause has the function of a noun in the main sentence. For example: "I like Jane." "I" is the subject (a noun), "like" is the predicate (a verb), and "Jane" is the object (a noun). We can substitute for the word "Jane" (which is a noun) a noun clause, such as "that she is so intelligent." "I like that she is intelligent." The entire clause "that she is intelligent" serves the same function as the noun "Jane" did in the original sentence. Thus, it's a noun clause.

An adjective clause is a clause that?

a dependent clause that modifies a noun

Which noun clause is used in The award goes to whomever did the best job?

The noun clause in this sentence is "whomever did the best job."

What is a relating clause?

a clause introduced by a relative pronoun; "`who visits frequently' is a relative clause in the sentence `John, who visits frequently, is ill'" A relative clause is a subordinate clause that modifies a noun. For example, the noun phrase the man who wasn't there contains the noun man, which is modified by the relative clause who wasn't there a clause which qualifies or restricts the meaning of the noun in a noun phrase. It may be introduced by words such as who, which and that in

What is the noun clause of this sentence my great dream is?

"My great dream is" is a noun clause; it is a group of words based on a noun (dream) containing a verb (is), but is an incomplete thought. That is the definition of a noun clause.

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The noun clause is, 'What took place in the courtroom'. The noun clause is acting as the subject of the sentence.