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You don't induce menstruation "foresfully" - you do it nicely.

You CANNOT induce your period unless your period is due - unless you have ovulated you cannot menstruate, these methods will not speed-up your menstrual cycle but will only start menstrual bleeding a little earlier than when it is actually due. The two most popular methods of inducing menstruation would be to use a combination of vitamin C and parsley.

Vitamin C works by starving the uterus of progesterone so triggers menstruation, I'm not sure of the specific brand you mention but you need to make sure it doesn't contain bioflaviniods - these are added to cancel-out this effect on the uterus so it's not a risk to pregnant women. You'd need to take 6,000 mg per day at regular intervals - a 1000mg dose will be enough, and time release should help but you may want to try one in the morning and one at night - your body will filter out extra vitamin C it doesn't need, so spacing out is important to make sure you get a high enough dose.

Parsley tea is a well-known for inducing menstruation but is a "helper herb" meaning it's best used with something else, vitamin C is a good combo as vitamin C triggers uterus shedding while the volatile oils in parsley are clinically proven uterine stimulants. Ideally you should be using fresh [organic] parsley for the tea and don't boil as you'll lose the volatile oils, but dried tea bags work fine in a pinch just be sure not to use boiling water and to allow to brew - you may want to add honey as parsley tea isn't nice taste-wise. You're looking at 4 cups at least, what works for you depends on your body, how far along you are in your cycle, and the quality of the parsley tea.

Some other tips to help with inducing your period include - taking a hot bath, masturbate as increased blood flow and uterine contractions during orgasm help, another good emmenagogue is ginger so eat some ginger or drink ginger tea, papaya juice, exercise, and generally relaxing will help too.

I stress again;
These methods will only work (and they do work very well) if your period is actually due. I'm not sure why it's so urgent you menstruate early or later, there's absolutely nothing you cannot do during your period and lots of things are even better during your period, anything negative like cramps are preventable, and options like menstrual cups allow you to totally forget about your period.

Warning - do not use if there's any chance you're pregnant as it may cause miscarriage or lead to birth defects if carried to term. Do not use parsley if you suffer from kidney problems.

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