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The part of the microscope is called the Condenser

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the lens

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Q: Part of the microscope that is used to increase the amount of light passing through the specimen?
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What produces an image of a specimen by passing visible light through it?

Its a Light Microscope! (=

What is the function of the wide angle objective lens on a microscope?

An objective lens gathers light passing through the specimen on the microscope and projects the image into the body of the microscope. Objective lens are closest to the specimen.

What structure on a microscope controls the amount of light that passes through the specimen?

The diaphram Is What Controls How Much Light Is Released.

How do we increase the amount of light that passes through the specimen?

The amount of light that is directed from the bottom of an optical microscope through a specimen can be increased by using a stronger bulb or light source. A potentiometer can be used to dim or increase the strength of the light source.

How are the substage condenser and iris diaphragm on a microscope different?

The iris diaphragm controls the amount of light passing through the slide or specimen, while the substage condenser focuses a cone of light on the slice or specimen.

What is used to pass light through a specimen?


What is transmission electron microscopes?

A transmission electron microscope (TEM) is a microscope in which a beam of electrons is transmitted through an ultra-thin specimen, interacting with the specimen as it passes through it.

Concentrates light onto the specimen?

The mirror, which can also be called the light source. It reflects the light.

Why must a specimen be very thin to be viewed under a light microscope?

Light microscope works because light goes *through* your specimen. So if the specimen is too thick, then light won't shine through, and you won't see anything.

Why is the specimen prepared for a monocular microscope must be very thin?

because the specimen is always thin

Why must the prepared specimen for a monocular microscope be very thin?

The specimen prepared for a monocular microscope must be very thin so light can pass through it easily. The light then goes through a series of lenses that magnifies the specimen to appear bigger

Which structure controls how much light passes through the specimen in microscope?

The answer to this microscope question is the stage opening.