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There is no way to increase just one chromosome but you can increase sperm count by: multivitamins, fruits and vegetables, manage stress, physical activity, and managing your weight.

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Having rich protein food with whey content leads to thickning of siemen and increases its quantity

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Q: How do you increase y chromose in sperm?
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How do you increase y chromosome?

This is not something you can choose to do. Sometimes a little accident happens during conception or during production of the sperm cell.

How do you kill y sperm without killing the X sperm?

A centrifuge can separate the heavier X-bearing sperm from the lighter Y-bearing sperm.

What type of alcohol increase sperm?

None the alcohol doesn't increase sperm but my reduce it

How do you kill a y sperm without killing the X sperm?

Sperm have both x and y chromosmes and it would be immpossible to try and kill the y without killing the x

How long a Y sperm can survive in womb?

Y sperm can stay in womb for 36 hours after which it dies

How do you increase 'y' sperm homeopathic medicine name?

You don't. There is no specific "Y" sperm. You can't increase a chromosome count anyway. All males have one x and one y, all women have two x's. The Y chromosome is the sex determining chromosome, triggering the development of the testicles in males. And of course this is to the exception of several cases of males having two x's but still having one y, but the world isn't run on exceptions now is it? What would you be trying to accomplish with this anyway?

What makes sperm move?

The tail of the sperm whips and forces the sperm forward. Y sperm are smaller, lighter and faster, X sperm are larger, heavier and slower but can keep going for longer. Y sperm are sprinters, X sperm are long distance runners.

Does honey and onions increase sperm count?

Yes Onions do increase the sexuallity of a man. Usuallyit increase the sperm count hence the desire to increase the duration too.

Does eating dates increase sperm count?

i am not sure that it will increase sperm count.but it is very useful for sexual health..