

How do you influens a person to drink or not drink?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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you tell them that drinking is a bad habit, cost a lot of money to keep a habit up, but most of all if u do not drink tell them how much it will hurt u if they drink around u tht is a big mind changer.

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Q: How do you influens a person to drink or not drink?
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The question is "is it harmful to drink if a person has asthma?".Well when you say DRINK do you mean alcohal? Because if you are asking is it harmful to drink alcohal if you have asthma no. But it is harmful to your liver and you shouldn't drink.AnswerWell no it isn't really harmful for a person to drink if they have asthma but if you get really drunk it can effect you emotional being and it can trigger something.

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