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Q: How do you internalize the preamable of our constitution?
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What was the purpose of the Preamable to the Constitution?

What is preamable? Preamable is an introductory statement or preliminary explanation.

What is the porpose of the preamable?

The preamble tells why and the purpose of the constitution.

How do you internalize the preamble of Philippine constitution?

You add two eggs and bake for half an hour. Serve warm with honey.

What does preamable mean?

it is to show the goals of the u.s. government

What line in the preamable and what art-sec-clause in the Constitution would gay rights fall into?

The Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees equal protection of the law from state to state, so one cannot deny people their fundamental rights, such as the right to marriage.

Law enforcement agencies carry out which part of the preamable?

To ensure domestic tranquility

How do you internalize a norm?

by running in circles

How would you define term preamable?

The preamble is the document that explains philosophy. It can have historical facts and subjects.

How do you use the word preamable in a sentence?

Being lucky was a preamble for the woman's winning streak at Vegas.

Is required to assimilate what has been learned to accept it to internalize it and to build confidence?

__Time_____is required to assimilate what has been learned, to accept it, to internalize it, and to build confidence in it.

Is the preamable to the constitution an outline of constitution?

Yes, the preamble is an outline of the Constitution. The preamble reads:We the Poeple of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.The preamble explains the duties of the government including keeping the people safe, make sure everyone is treated fairly, defend the country, secure freedoms, make sure everyone has what they need, and create jobs. Each article in the Constitution elaborates on these points, thus the preamble is an outline of the Constitution.

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