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I have been through this before except with one its probably harder with two.Well you start by seeing how the 2 cats react to the smaller one, they may except it right away or......try to kill it...(but kittens are still weak so don't worry). If they are nice then you got your problem solved! they will just sniff each other pretty much all day. If they don't get along (what happened to me), then you have to keep them in separate rooms when unsupervised, and then get something that they all LOVE to eat, put it on the same big dish so they are too busy eating to notice each other, then when they finish they will realise: "oh! i ate with that new kitten and it was fine!" but that's just the first step. try to have both 2 older kittens sit on your lap until they fall asleep, then bring up the smaller kitten and set him/her next to them so that they don't notice, and when they wake up they will be too relaxed to care...(remember to pet all of them through the whole thing) and the most helpful thing i can tell you is to say: NO! BAD BOY/GIRL!! DONT BE MEAN TO (name of kitten)!! so that they realize its a bad thing. (and don't give too much attention to the little one because that makes the other 2 feel unwanted..) I hope this helped!

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Q: How do you introduce a kitten to two older kittens who are siblings?
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Do kittens make good mothers?

No. They are still learning themselves and would not take on that responsibility. They could however, teach younger kittens how to do things as the younger kitten would watch the older kitten(just as younger siblings look up to their elder siblings.

What do cats and kittens hate?

The don't have to hate at all! It very much depends on the cat and kitten. My older cat treated my new kitten as her own.

How do know if a kitten will be a fluffy cat?

You can't tell if they will be fluffy or not. As the kitten gets older it will get easier to tell if the kitten is longhaired or shorthaired, but in very young kittens it is very difficult to tell.

What should you get instead of a kitten?

Adopt an older cat! There are way too many cats that are abandoned in shelters to be buying kittens from breeders.

What are kitten's friends?

Friends for kittens include:litter matesmomhumansother pets they grow up with (But older, cats can become predators to smaller pets!)

Is it possible for a cat to only deliver 1 kitten or could she deliver more later?

She can have as many kittens as she wants. It would be better to stop breeding her at an older age because the older the cat is when it has kittens, the more problems could occur.

Is it ok that your cat had two kittens or should you be expecting more?

It is perfectly normal for a cat to have only two kittens. Sometimes a cat will have only one kitten. Usually a cat will have fewer kittens in her first litter, and when she is older she will have a larger litter.

Why would your older cat be mad at your newly spayed cat?

older cats dont go well with kittens,the older cat wants to relax...the kitten wants to play.....then that leads up to a fight

What does it mean when your cat eats a kitten?

It sounds like domination or battle for the fittest. If the cat is not the kittens mother this is natural. If the kitten is not protected by its mother the kitten is at risk to being killed until it grows older to protect itself. Obviously, the genetics of the mother wasn't fit enough to stay with and protect its offspring. Psychologically, your cat may see the kitten as a threat to its own existence when it grows older. Or maybe your cat was just hungry XD Addendum to above answer: It could also be that the kitten was sickly and posed a threat to the rest of the kittens. Sometimes mother cats will eat a sickly kitten who has died in order to protect the rest of the kittens from dying of the same illness.

How much do you feed a Kitten When it's old enough?

As for how much you should feed the kitten four to six times a day for young kittens, or three to four for older kittens, with small-sized meals usually two to three teaspoons of wet food (make sure you chop up the meat into little pieces). Kittens need a lot of food for them to develop and grow in a healthy manner, so give the kitten as much food as the kitten needs/eats.

Is it normal for kittens to sleep all day when the are usually very playful?

of course if you really want your kitten to be very playful when it get older then you let it sleep all day. but if your cat that gave birth to the kittens had medical problems then go straight to a vet your kitten may be sick as well.

Your older cat dont get along with your new kitten?

make sure you give your older cat plenty of alone time without the kittens -with you. your older cat may be feeling replaced with a newer version of herself. I had a Siamese who would hide under my bed until i locked the kittens out of my room for the night.