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Q: How do you invert analog sticks on a GameCube controller?
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Where is the L3 and R3 buttons on a ps2 controller?

analog sticks

Can the Vita's analog sticks be pressed like those on the DualShock controller?

The Vita's analog sticks do not double as buttons and cannot be pressed down.

Do XBox 360 controllers have analog sticks?

Yes Xbox 360 controller feature two analog control sticks that can be used for gaming.

Where is the analog button on the Xbox 360 controller?

The analog on a Xbox 360 is the analog sticks (left and right of the pad). You have 1 d-pad (digital pad).

What is l3 and r3 in the ps2 controller?

L3 and R3 are used when u push down the left and right analog sticks

Can a PlayStation 2 use a PlayStation 1 controller?

it depends on the game. if the game requires analog sticks for operation then no. if the game doesn't require anolog sticks then you sure can

What is a good upgrade controler for a GameCube?

The InterAct SuperPad Pro is an excellent upgrade controller both in terms of price and configuration. At only $19.99 retail cost, the buttons and analog sticks on the SPP feel good and are well placed. In addition it allows the user to tweak the sensitivity of the left analog stick, and comes with an autofire mode and longer cord.

Where is the button on Playstation 3 R3?

with any console controller now the analog sticks will click down. With the PS3 havine R1 and R2, R3 is when you click down the right analog stick and L3 is the the Left analog stick used as a button.

How do you work the l3 and r3 on the ps2 controller?

You press down on the analog sticks until you hear a "click" sound. Those are the L3 and R3 buttons.

What controllers can you use on call of duty 3 for Nintendo Wii?

The regular Wii controllers, or you can use the really awkward flat controller that looks like an old super nintendo controller, but with analog sticks.

How do you put a nes controller in a wii?

unfortunately, your can either "House Hold Hack it" or use a Nintendo gamecube controller instead. if you wanna "House Hold Hack it" you can cut the nes controller's wires in the middle of the wire and re-sotter a usb or wii plugin end thingy to it. *Spelling issues aside, the previous answer neglects to mention that the Wiimote itself can be used as an NES controller when turned sideways, but if you really want it to feel old-school, your best bet is to purchase a classic controller, which is essentially a super Nintendo controller with two analog sticks, and two extra shoulder buttons. It's shape is that of the SNES controller, though.

Why do the two analog sticks stick on the ps2 controller because the camera and character moves when they are not supposed to?

Go to your local game store and they will ship it to a place where they fix it.It worked for my Nintendo DS!!!!!