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You cannot invoke abstract methods directly. An abstract method looks like below:

public String getName() {}

It has no code inside it and can do nothing. You cannot invoke it directly. If you want to call this method then - we must extend the class that contains this method inside our class and then provide an implementation for this method and then invoke it:


public String getName() {

return "Anand";


Once you place this code inside your class, then you can invoke it anytime you want by calling the method "getName()"

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Q: How do you invoke the abstract methods?
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What can be declared in an abstract class?

Abstract classes are to be extended until to a concrete class.Can have both abstract & non abstract methods.An Abstract class can not be instantiated.A non abstract class can be extended to an abstract class.If At least one abstract method present in a class then that class must be abstract.abstract & final modifiers can never be together.abstract classes can have both abstract methods & non abstract methods.

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Yes. Abstract methods can be declared static

What is the difference between abstract class and normal class?

Any class which has one or more abstract methods is called an abstract class. But in the normal class we can't have any abstract methods. We cannot create an object for the abstract classes. When we inherit the abstract class we should implement the abstract method which we inherit.

When an abstract modifier applied to a class?

An Abstract class is a special kind of class that cannot be instantiated. It has one or more methods which are not implemented in the class. These methods are declared abstract and they do not contain any code inside them. Ex: abstract class Parent { public abstract String getSon(); public abstract String getDaughter(); .... .... //More methods that contain specific behaviour/code in them } The above is an abstract class "Parent" that has a lot of functionality but it has declared two abstract methods which have no code inside them. Any class that has one or more abstract methods has to be abstract. This abstract class cannot be instantiated. i.e., the below piece of code will not work. The code will not even compile. Parent object = new Parent();

Abstract class vs interface?

Comparison between an Abstract Class and an Interface:While an abstract class can define both abstract and non-abstract methods, an interface can have only abstract methods. Another way interfaces differ from abstract classes is that interfaces have very little flexibility in how the methods and variables defined in the interface are declared. These rules are strict:

What is an interface class and what is an abstract class?

The term interface class does not exist in C#. If this is a term describing a class being an interface to other component (human, subsystems, etc), it is very application specific. The designer of that application should know the abstraction.However, C# does have another type called interface. An interface is NOT a class. An interface defines the intention of some behaviors that classes may be extended it and provides the implementation. The intention, is nothing but method signatures, which defines the return data type, the method name, and any method arguments and associated data type. The implementation is the code of the method. Interface is used for separating the concern of design and implementation.Abstract class is a class with abstract keyword. It can be just like a class without that keyword (then, why it is an abstract class?). But it may have some methods or properties defined as abstract. These abstract methods, like the method signatures of an interface, defines the intention.The subclasses of such an abstract class would need to implement those abstract methods (providing the code).There are more common, differences between interfaces and abstract classes, please see answer(s) of those related questions in C# category.

Is an abstract class virtual by default?

Unlike abstract class in C++, the abstract class in C# does not have any methods defined as virtual by default. The concept of virtual are not the same between C# and C++, either. Any virtual method must be defined explicitly in C#. Related to abstract methods - interestingly, an abstract class in C# does not have to have any abstract methods. However, the reverse, if a class need to have at least one abstract method, that class must be defined as abstract.

How do you create a concrete method inside abstract class?

The same way you create a concrete method in a concrete class. When a class is abstract, it can contain abstract methods. That doesn't mean that all methods must be abstract. Hope this helps.

What is the difference between an interface and an abstract class?

We can't instantiate both interfaces and abstract classes.The only one difference between them is that an interface can't contain concrete(fully defined) methods where as an abstract class may contain them.An abstract class not necessarily contain abstract methods. we can make a class as abstract class even it does not has any abstract methods.When there is a need to write both abstract and concrete methods in a single unit we have to use an abstract class instead of an interface since an interface cant contain concrete methods.All the fields(or properties) of an interface are by default 'static final' even when you don't mention explicitly. And all methods are 'public abstract'.But in an abstract class we can have any type of fields and methods.