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i had to do one for my physics class... i used pipe insulator (you can get it at lowes in the Plumbing section) just cut in half and it has a little spot just perfect for a marble or ball bearing what ever you use.

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Q: How do you keep a marble on the track of a marble roller coaster?
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Related questions

What is the kart called on a roller coaster?

The kart or car that is used on a roller coaster is typically called a "train" or "roller coaster train." The train is made up of multiple cars or "coaches" that are connected together and are designed to safely carry passengers around the track. The cars in the train can vary in size and shape depending on the type of roller coaster and the design of the track. They are usually equipped with safety features such as lap bars or shoulder harnesses to keep riders securely in their seats during the ride.

What keep a roller coaster ride smooth?

the tracks

What helps keep a roller coaster ride smooth?

the tracks

What should you do if you're scared of riding a roller coaster?

Either stay off the roller coaster, or keep riding it until the fear goes away.

Why must curved roller coaster tracks on a roller coaster be banked?

Previous Answer => "Because of the law of inertia."Improved Answer => Well, yes I suppose, but it is not necessary based on that fact.Since roller coasters have a special three-wheel design that keeps coaster trains on the track NO MATTER WHAT, banking doesn't "keep the ride on the tracks". If anything, banking keeps the coaster safe (in terms of G's) and comfortable to actually be enjoyed versus being painful. A coaster and it's riders will follow the track no matter what, since again of the three-wheel design patented by John Miller in the 1920's AND the restraints on rides that keep people in. It is the G's that concern designers, not if the train will fall off.

Why do roller coaster lovers scream as they go down the hill?

To keep fun!

Why do my rides keep breaking down on roller coaster tycoon?

inthesummerof1962iwasnineteenyearsoldworkingforonceuponasecert sogoodbookgirlwrites

What do you do when you are on a roller coaster and it crashes?

Well, it depends what you mean by crashing. (1) At the top of the first hill, the roller coaster stops. The best thing to do is to KEEP STILL!!! If people around you are panicing, try your best to tell them to keep calm and still. PLEASE!!! Because, the ride is obviously have ing trouble with the chain on the coaster. If you move to much, the chain will give way and you will crash! (2) If your roller coaster goes off track ( not going to happen) then Im sorry, but say a prayer and hope you make it... Other than so, always remember in such a situation, DO NOT PANIC!!!!

What are the components of Roller Coaster?

Well there are many parts of a coaster, includng the most important, the spine, the brain, the heart, the stomache, and the lungs. These components keep the coaster running smoothly!

What is fundamentals principal that all roller coaster are based on?

There is a few principals that are looked at when building a roller coaster. Some principals that are looked at are what keep coaster cars flying around on their tracks, the tolls that keeps everything running and the forces that make the ride fun.

What is the maximum safe g-force on a roller coaster?

probably around 3G - to keep it safe for most individuals

How is a roller coaster built?

From the ground up: Concrete foundation (piers) with wooden timbers for posts and crossbeams. Then wooden tracks. Place car on track and let it go. Keep both hands in the air for the entire ride for added pleasure!