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Penguin baby eggs are kept warm by the father while the mother looks more food

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Q: How do you keep baby eggs warm?
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Why do birds turn there eggs periodically?

so that their baby's will develop properly , if your told its to keep them warm its wrong , ( birds sit on the eggs to keep them warm).

Why do birds have to keep their eggs a certain heat?

When birds lay eggs they usually sit on them and keep them warm. Just like when a human is pregnant, our baby stays warm inside our body. If we freeze to death outside, our baby would die. If the eggs aren't kept at the temperature of the parents they wont be warm enough and they baby birds will not grow inside.

Why do penguins keep their eggs warm?

They want to keep the baby penguin that's in it warm and if it gets too cold it will die!

How does the process of brooding keep a bird's eggs warm?

The bird sits on the eggs and by using heat to keep them warm until they hatch

How do shrews keep their eggs warm?

A shrew is a mammal, and does not lay eggs!

How do animals keep their eggs warm?

sit on them

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keep their eggs warm

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They sit on it.

Does not take care of their eggs?

that is not true because if you don't sit on your egg it will get cold and the egg has to be warm to keep the baby alive inside the egg

What shall you do when your parakeet lays eggs?

be careful to not brake the eggs and keep them warm.

How are bird eggs cared for?

the mama bird sits on the eggs to keep them warm

What is a gelatinous egg lain by amphibians?

Reptiles lay soft eggs. These eggs unlike a birds are not meant to be rotated or disturbed, as it could lead to killing the baby. These eggs are packed down into dirt which will keep them warm and safe.