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The most common reason would be lack of sun. Crepe Myrtles need full sun in most areas. If you want to move it, cut it back and dig up in winter. The other reason may be too richer soil which promotes leaf growth over flowers. Try using ash or a seaweed extract. Anything with a high potash/potassium content.

The myrtle is a bush and is in full sun. I saw one article that said they like acidic soil similar to azaleas, should I add soil additives. It is also getting regular water. Should I cut back?

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Q: How do you keep crepe myrtles blooming?
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Related questions

What is the crepe myrtles habitat?

crepe myrtles are very beutiful flower blooming plants to have. it doesnt really matter when you move a crepe myrtle, just dont do it while its young. p.s. thanks for reading!

Are crepe mertles native to Maryland?

Crepe Myrtles are native to southern states such as Alabama or Louisiana

Is crepe myrtle poisonous to humans?

Not sure about that... I am sure the goats are toxic to the crepe myrtles if you give them the chance...

How do you care for crepe myrtles?

Just be patient. It will start itself. Both the crepe myrtle (blooming variety) and the wax myrtle (non blooming variety) will send out sister roots and these will become new plants about 2-5 feet away from the original "mother" plant. Just wait till these sisters get over a foot high and when its not in bloom, dig it up and move it to a new location. Its best to do this in the late fall or early spring.

Do crape myrtles attract bees?

Bees are attracted to crepe myrtles but they seem to be most attracted to the white colored ones. This is because the white ones produce more pollen and nectar for them.

Why are ants crawling up your crepe myrtles?

They are feeding on aphids, which appear as a small white waxy item on the stems/ leaves etc.

Are crepe myrtles poisonous?

No, crepe myrtle shrubs are not poisonous. The shrubs, also named crape myrtle commonly and Lagerstroemia indicascientifically, do not poison domesticated animals, livestock or people. The conclusion holds for contact and for ingestion.

Where do sweat bee live?

They are bred and live in the bark of trees. They feed on flowering trees/shrubs such as crepe myrtles etc; they are drawn to still water to include pool water.

What are crape myrtles?

commonly known as crape myrtle or crepe myrtle, is a genus of around 50 species of deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs native to the Indian Subcontinent, and southeast Asia

When do Crepe Myrtle Bloom?

There are several species of crepe myrtle generally blooming between late spring and early fall. You are pretty much guaranteed beautiful blooms throughout the summer as most varieties flower for apx. 120 days.

Are crepe myrtles poisonous to smoke?

yes , the smoke consist of particles of organic material being inhaled into the lungs, like any other burning material being inhaled its poisness to the human body

When do you prune crepe myrtle?

Prune Crepe Myrtle in late fall. It's a southern plant and u want to wait long enough that it won't be hot enough to regrow. I say November or December. Also Crepe Myrtles are stripped of all limbs on the lower half. It's best to do this most in fall and spring, but I usually have to trim this through summer too. Be sure to prune correctly to avoid disease