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Don't. Lady-bugs keep away common household pets and are beautiful to look at!

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Related questions

What are some of the bugs that you can keep in your garden?

spiders and ladybugs.

What can i feed ladybugs?

Raisins. You feed them raisins. (I keep a lady bug in a plastic yougrt contaner)

Can you keep ladybugs alive in a bottle full of grass?

Ladybugs don't eat grass, they eat aphids. Better let it go.

What household item can you feed ladybugs?

Tiny bugs that get inside your house.

Where are you most likely to find ladybugs?

i found mine in my house because it was clean

How do ladybugs keep warm?

In order to stay warm, ladybugs will huddle in masses with each other. Or they bury themselves under piles of leaves or under rocks.

Why are ladybugs not harmful?

Because they are "helpful" to gardeners, they keep aphids under control.

Is a yellow ladybug with orange spots rare?

They are not rare because there are lots of orange and yellow ladybugs in my environment and I just found a couple of them near my house

Does ladybugs sleep on flowers?

no they have their own little ladybug sized house. I love ladybugs i even have my own red ladybug to bring me good luck and because there so interesting!

Do people keep ladybugs as pets?

Hi! yes some people keep ladybugs as pets because they are interesting! people also keep them because some people can't keep pets with fur! so if u want one u can have one!

How do ladybugs protect themselves?

Ladybugs defenses are putting very smelly and bad tasting blood on whereever it can on the enemy.! Another one is playing dead

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