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Why would you want to keep them away???

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Q: How do you keep mourning doves away from a bird feeder of safflower?
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Will orioles scare hummingbirds away from a my hummingbird feeder?

Not really. Most likely when the orioles come the hummingbirds will fly away. However, when the oriole leaves the hummingbirds will return again. If the hummingbirds do not return put up a oriole feeder that should keep it away from the hummingbird feeder.

What would you do if a squirrels hang out near a bird feeder?

Keep feeder away from trees and mounted on metal rod

A group of 3 birds was at the bird feeder Then 12 more birds came and chased them away How many birds were left at the bird feeder?


How do you get humming birds to land on you?

I've done it, but it takes a lot of patience. I've also taken some great up-close photos of them while they were feeding. I even have a photo of them feeding from my hand (the feeder is in my palm). Hang a humming bird feeder low enough so you can watch them at eye level while they feed. Watch them from a distance to see when their busiest feeding time of the day is. You have to stand very, very still, about 2 feet away from the feeder, and try not to even blink while they are feeding. After a day or so, when they are used to seeing you, take the feeder down and place it in your palm, with your arm out stretched. Do this during their busiest feeding time when there will be more of them present. Hold your outstretched arm, with the feeder in the palm of your hand very, very still. You may even have to put something to brace your arm on. The birds should then begging to feed from the feeder, then gradually light on your hand and/or arm.

How do hummingbirds hunt for their food?

Male hummingbirds have a territory and feeders within that territory belong to that male. Males will determine who gets to use the feeder. The male will "attack" any others by simply fly toward them and chasing them away and not let them return.

Related questions

How do you chase mourning doves away?

There are many ways in which you could choose to chase morning doves away. You could just shoo them away.

Will orioles scare hummingbirds away from a my hummingbird feeder?

Not really. Most likely when the orioles come the hummingbirds will fly away. However, when the oriole leaves the hummingbirds will return again. If the hummingbirds do not return put up a oriole feeder that should keep it away from the hummingbird feeder.

What would you do if a squirrels hang out near a bird feeder?

Keep feeder away from trees and mounted on metal rod

Why does one hummingbird take over your feeder?

Sometimes, male hummingbirds willl take possesion of a single feeder, driving away other hummingbirds..To remedy this, place another feeder away from the proximity of the first one, at least 100 feet.

Meaning of two mourning doves landing in front of you at the same time?

In many cultures, two mourning doves landing at the same time may symbolize peace, unity, and harmony. It could be seen as a sign that loved ones who have passed away are sending messages of comfort and reassurance. Pay attention to your surroundings and emotions for personal interpretations.

When can you take the baby feeder mice away from the mom?

because i'm an idiot

A group of 3 birds was at the bird feeder Then 12 more birds came and chased them away How many birds were left at the bird feeder?


What does it mean if the doves don't fly away at the funeral?

The Dove or white pigeon (Columbiformes, to get technical) is a symbol of Peace and also represents the Holy Spirit. The spiritual angle of (Rest in Peace) and the soul taken flight (upward, one prays) all fall in. This should not be confused with Mourning which are not used in funerary practice, it"s just a name, and these are tan or brownish colored, so-called from pathetic cooing calls. They, too are of the Pigeon group.

Do doves mate for live?

Yes, and in some weddings the bride and groom will release two doves into the air to fly away to symbolize their strong vows to stay together for life!

Why can't you hear birds fly?

Sometimes you can hear flapping, but mostly they are just too far away to hear it. Birds of prey tend to glide in when they attack so that their prey cannot hear them flapping and escape.Examples: owls make a soft shushing sound when they fly and mourning doves make a chirping sound that is actually their wings touching together on the down-stroke.

Why do small birds stay away from the feeder after a hawk has killed one?

Wouldn't you stay away from Mc Donalds if someone was waiting to pick you off.

How can you cat proof a bird feeder?

Whenever a cat is outside and posing a potential threat to the feeder, turn on a sprinkler close by. Birds are more than happy to get wet while they're eating, but cats will definitely stay away. Also consider this method if your neighbor's cat considers your feeder an invitation to dinner.