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Hermit crabs require a far more restricted environment than the pet stores would have you believe. Most pet stores don't even realize the amount of care that is needed.

They require a regulated, tropical environment, which cannot be obtained with a plastic or wire cage. The temperature must be maintained between 74*F and 81*F, and the relative humidity should always be between 70-80%. This cannot be obtained with regular misting. You have to have a lid to help hold in heat and moisture, and it helps to also have other means for keeping the air moist, such as a damp moss pit, moist substrate, or a device like a water bubbler ("Jacuzzi"), etc.

To help them live longer, do not feed them commercial foods. Most commercial foods contain a preservative called Ethoxyquin which is a slow toxin for hermit crabs. It is used in the making of pesticides, and hermit crabs are more closely related to insects than they are to actual crabs. Feed them a very wide variety of foods, preferably organic, free from pesticides (very well washed if not), rich in proteins, calcium, chitin, and zeaxanthin. You can feed them the same foods you eat, just the meat should be cooked without any seasonings (you can fry them in olive oil, which the crabs love, or steam them or even microwave small bits), and they need plenty of fresh and cooked vegetables and fruits for the juices and oils and enzymes they contain. Seaweed is a must, as it is rich in nutrients that the hermit crabs require. You can pick up Spirulina and kelp in your local grocery store nutrition section, in the bulk foods, as well as the seaweed used for sushi, or pick up sheets at the pet store. You can get freeze dried shrimp and mealworms at the pet store as well, just make sure there are no added ingredients (preservatives). They also enjoy organic worm castings, also known as earthworm droppings, but they look just like black dirt.

Please visit this website before you get a hermit crab, or if you are not sure you have the complete setup you need:

And this:

Please note that these articles are a little out of date, but only a couple of things have changed: There is no need to bathe your hermit crabs if you give them water dishes that are deep enough for them to submerge (give them a way to climb out, such as glass pebbles or uncoated river pebbles), and there is no need to bathe them in stresscoat, if bathing is ever needed. It is believed that it may block the exchange of nutrients through the crab's skin/exoskeleton.

No need for a sponge in the water dish, there are other means of creating humidity in the tank, and sponges must be sterilized every couple of days to prevent the growth of bacteria.

Playsand is no longer a recommended substrate, as there have been many instances of crabs becoming poisoned or having other problems related to toxins in the playsand. Much of it is "safe", but there is no way to determine whether it is or not, as most of the impurities cannot be seen or smelled, and do not wash out or disappear by sterilizing the sand. There is no means by which to determine where the playsand was created (by pulverizing rocks) or what sort of impurities may be in the soil/rocks from which it was created. Better to use Eco Earth (coconut fiber) or, best choice, Aragonite sand, sugar grain or select grain size, as these sizes are created to be Oolitic, ie, rounded so no sharp bits can enter the crab's shell and puncture the soft abdomen. it's also very nutritious for them. Never, ever use Calci-sand.

Do read those articles, do some searches in the forum if you have further questions, and join up and ask if you can't find the answers you are looking for.

Good luck and happy crabbing!

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12y ago

Hermit crabs need alot of things just right, or they die (of stress), Once you get everything on track they are easy to take care of.

Hermit crabs need distilled water, and SEA salt water, hermit crabs can drown, thyey need temp between 70 and 80. they need humidity between 70-85%. they need friends because they are very social, painted shells can kill them, and have a ten gallon tank for 2-4 SMALL hermies.

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12y ago

Give it a certain humidity level (70-85%), temp (70-80), food like fruits and veggies, enough space (2 small hermies per 10 gallons, they need coconut fiber or sand, DISTILLED water, SEA salt water SEA salt, and soo much more, you should follow the link below

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13y ago

Give it the food, salt water, and water it needs. NEVER USE TAP WATER OR TABLE SALT!

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Q: How do you keep your hermit crabs alive and happy Especially happy?
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How hermit crabs communicate?

Hermit crabs communication is very mysterious. We know that they make a clicking and chirping noise, especially when they are agitated. They also wave antennae at each other when they first meet but this could be just "feeling" each other out more than communication. So they do have the means to communicate but we do not know if they actually do it.

Can hermit crabs eat bell peppers?

No they can not! Hermit crabs are super sensitive to things like that. So don't give them those things!Only give them the food that is made for them.If you don't know what they can eat, go to to find out.Thank you and I am happy to help.

Are hermit crabs scavengers?

Yes they are scavengers. When you get a hermit crab at a pet shop, they order them from the beach or wild. Since they can't really find food that you feed them in your home, they get used to eating just about anything. That is why you don't get hermit crabs with painted shells because they are scavengers and they will eat anything.Even the paint chips that fall off of their shells.Trust me, I have 5 hermit crabs and I am getting 4 more this weekend so I will have 9.Go to for more information and i am happy to help. My name: Nashville T.

Does hermit crabs make any sounds?

Yes, they can make a chirping sound. It is usually associated with distress/stress. If something has upset them you will hear a chirping sound. It's rarely associated with a "happy event".

How can you get hermit crab happy?

ok how can i get my crab happ!!!

Can you give hermit crabs fruits from a market that isn't dried?

Actually you should be giving your hermit crab plenty of fresh fruits and veggies, preferably organic, as they can be sensitive to pesticides. Dried food is good, but they need the oils and juices and the nutrients in them to be truly healthy. Commercial hermit crab food is dangerous for hermit crabs, as most of it contains toxic preservatives. Ethoxyquin and Copper sulfate are both slow toxins for your hermit crabs. it is best to switch to an all natural, very varied diet. Feed them well cooked meat that has been taken from what you might be cooking for dinner that night before it is seasoned. They should have good calcium sources, such as shrimp with the exoskeleton still on, mealworms, and seaweed such as spirulina and algae that you can purchase in the fish food section of the pet store. Again, read carefully and do not purchase anything with preservatives in it. Give your crabs a varied diet, change it often (they do not like to eat something they've eaten within 14 hours to 14 days) and you will have healthy, happy crabs. Please see the related link below.

Do hermit crabs make noises?

Hermit crabs are known to make a "chirping" noise. Sometimes at night when your mom is late up and is working on the computer they can hear them scratching around and rubbing up against the sides of the tank with their shells.YESHermit crabs are known to make a "chirping" noise. As of yet, the method of making that noise is unknown, but it has been theorized that it is done much like a cricket, by rubbing a leg against another leg (or possibly the shell).A chirping hermit crab is rarely a happy hermit crab. They are usually observed making this noise when one of their tank-mates are disturbing them, or at other times when the crab feels stressed and defensive.They can also make a great deal of noise in their tank by clacking their shells against tank walls, interior structures, and each other (I am often woken in the night by my own crabs, bumbling around their tank). If this is a problem, try moving their decorative structures and food dishes a little further away from the walls of the tank (especially the food dish, which can be a center of competition).id say all of the above

What are the Japanese spider crabs predators?

people there you happy

What temperature do hermit crabs need to be?

Try to keep their cage between 70-82 degrees. if this is not possible you should spray their cage twice a day with lukewarm water. a couple squirts will keep the cage humid and the hermit happy!

Should you get a hermit crab?

Yes hermit crabs are good pets. I love my hermit crabs and they come from Australia! I've had them for a long time now, and I haven't once regretted getting them! They really enjoy walking and climbing around in the dark. They also love eating a variety of foods to keep them active so they can walk around in their cage. Another great thing is they help people learn responsibility and if your child is a child who is really responsible then you should get him or her one, for fun, even though they are already responsible. They only pinch if you shake them, drop them, or scare them. And they will eat anything you give them but only give them dairy foods once and a while. I'm a different user but i agree they are great. they are easy to take care of and are great for first pets. They are even great as a millionth pet! I go to this little island i only know of and i call it crab island because it has tons of both land and sea crabs! I play with them and give them food and water. I do this because sometimes it's really hard for them to find food so i can help them an bring them plenty of food water and toys. i think they are really happy most of the time. I always let them out to run around and explore. I just think they are such interesting and fum little creatures. And I love them, and agree that they are in fact, great pets and companions.

How can you get your hermit crabs to be extremely happy?

Make their captive lives as close to their wild ones as you can. This can be complicated and can vary between species. Generally, you want to have as big of a tank as possible, lots of areas for hiding, climbing, deep pools, deep moist sand, high heat and humidity, and an extremely varied diet. Hermit crabs eat fruits, meats, seafoods, algae, leaves, wood, veggies, seeds, nuts, and even feces. Of course it's all way more complicated than this, but it would take hours to write.

How do you take care of pet hermit crabs?

FlooringThe ground of a hermit crabs tank should include sand, a little dirt, rocks and broken coral pieces (all store bought only or can carry mites or diseases). Maintaining clean sand isn't really a problem because hermit crabs aren't really messy.2-3 inches or sand is required for burrowing of the crabs.HousingI have 6 healthy hermit crabs living in a ten(10) gallon tank. Size differences will not be a problem because hermit crabs get along well. It is highly recommended that your crabs have cage mates because in the wild there pack animals.Selecting a healthy hermit crabSome pet stores will allow you to hold or observe their crabs before choosing the one you want. Look for moving antenna noticing your looking inside their cage and if there running away from you. Look for a crab that is a bright red in color, no swollen limbs. If a pet store does not have a giant collection of empty shells in the tank, then don't buy any. Hermit crabs NEED extra shells to switch into and if don't have a big selection of them, are probably not healthy and may die due to stress. Avoid hermit crabs that are just hanging out in the middle or the cage unaware that anything is going on.DietHermit crabs will eat just about anything from tree bark to other dead crustaceans. This includes leaves (preferably dry and crunchy),peanut butter, popcorn, fruits, vegies, crackers, applesauce, nuts, grass ,fish(dead only), cereal and everything in between. MAKE SURE NOT OF THESE PRODUCTS CONTAIN BUTTER OR SALT BOTH CAN POISON YOUR HERMIT CRAB!!! Remove all food the day after you put them in for in the hermit crabs humid habitat they will rot quickly. All foods found outside should be cleans WITHOUT soap.HeatingHermit crabs come from a tropical environment so temperatures should stay around 70-83 degrees daily and night time temperatures should cool to around the high 60s to the low 70s.If your house is colder at night they make inferred bulbs so the animal can think its night because they cant see red and heats them up also it makes nocturnal viewing possible. Commercial goods like the hermit crab heater can be bought at pet stores. A UVA bulb is also required for sun rays.WaterHermit crabs do need oxygen as well as they need water. You may think they breath to get oxygen, but no, hermit crabs have gills like fish. Oxygen is assimilated through water in the bloodstream, so it is very important to keep the humidity in your crabs enclosure at least 60 as seen on a humidity gauge. A humidity gauge isn't required as long as your smart enough to know you sprayed their cage enough. I say this because humidity gauges are very pricey, 15$ for a small one. Fresh and salt water is needed in their cage for drinking and salt water transfers calcium and keeps limbs hard and healthy. KEEP A SPONGE IN EACH WATER BOWLS AT ALL TIMES. Without the sponges, your hermit crabs have a very larger chance of drowning. Sponges can be bought at most pet stores. Tap water requires conditioner to take chlorine out and other harmfull materials.HabitatHermit crabs need lots of different hiding spots especially for a colony of crabs in one enclosure. All pet stores that sells anything at all in the reptile region should cover this. Pet stores with this sell artificial and real little tree chunks with a hollowed center or for decoration many sell "hermit hotels", a tall "building" with a hermit crab logo with a welcome sign on the front. For my crabs I found in the aquarium section a sponge bob squarepants and squidward house which i put in their habitat. I found that with those, the windows are small holes which the crabs use to climb to the top of the house.Behavior and HandlingHermit crabs are very sensitive animals and have moods. All but one of my hermit crabs have let me hold them and the last one pinched me. WARNING:HERMIT CRAB PINCHES HURT!!! Their rough skin along with rigid edges on the inside of the claw, provide a very hard pinch. When they pinch its either you made them made or there in a bad mood. When I got pinched the little guy wouldn't let go and it took dipping him upside down underwater to get him off. NEVER TRY TO TAKE YOUR HERMIT CRAB OUT OF THEIR SHELL!!! The inner soft tail of the crab is their most sensitive part and the crab will fight to the death to stay in the shell. Rarely you can catch a glimpse of your crab out of there shell which they only do when they molt. I saw it myself and its an amazing sight because they come out for less than 5 seconds about once every two months. To hold your hermit crab place it on for hand flat and if hes in a happy mood he will come out and walk. You will notice the crab will walk around upside down under your hand. Make sure you catch him if he falls. Avoid walking around with your crab because that ticks them off encouraging pinching.