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Is your tank by a window? If so you may want to move it away. High light levels combined with nutrients (nitrates and phosphates) will cause algae, at least in normal freshwater aquariums.

The causes for algae in saltwater are identical, but the algaes are of different types.

The solution to algae issues is quite simple; reduce the amount of light, and the amount of nutrients in the water, and the algae will not be able to survive. Some algae in an aquarium is normal; in fact, it is impossible not to have algae. There are many different kinds of fish and invertebrates that can help control algae by eating it. In freshwater, I recommend dwarf plecos, otto catfish, snails, and algae eating shrimp. In freshwater, herbivorous fish such as tangs and angelfish can help, but the best control there are various types of snails.

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13y ago
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15y ago

I hate algae, too. Period. (lol) So....last week I wrote an article b/c I used to have a BIG problem with algae overgrowth in my aquarium. It is a Step-by-Step, easy guide on how to get rid of the nasty, slimey stuff. My aquarium is now crystal clear, due to following the expert advice of other tank owners. There are natural ways to kill algae in your aquarium. Below, I will post a the techniques I used to get rid of the algae. The article is entitles: "How to Kill Algae in Your Aquarium". Look below (under Related Links) and click on link to get the info. you need. It will help! :-)

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16y ago

You can find alage-eaters, or you can buy alagae get-rid-of's at the pet store.

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not necessarily but it is a good idea to turn off the light at night to prevent algae growth.

Can you put algae tablets in the aquarium without killing an algae eater?

I suppose so

Do algae eaters eat your plants in your aquarium?

No, because plants are not made up of algae

What are producers in an aquarium?

algae and any other live plants are the producers.

What do you do when a algae eater dies?

Remove him from the aquarium immediately and dispose of him. Determine what caused his death: was he diseased? If so, you may have to treat your aquarium before replacing him with another algae eater. Or you can simply resign yourself to a bigger job of removing algae from your aquarium without his help.

How can you tell if an aquarium has a fuctioning nitrate cycle?

You use a test kit and test for Nitrate/Nitrite/Ammonia. If you have either of the last two the cycle is not coping.

How long does it take for algae to grow in an fish aquarium?

Algae can grow back in as soon as 5 hrs.

What is the rapid growth of a population of algae called?

The rapid growth of a population of algae is called an algal bloom. This bloom is often triggered by an abundance of nutrients in the water, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, leading to exponential growth of algae species. Algal blooms can have negative impacts on aquatic ecosystems, including depleted oxygen levels and harm to wildlife.

Should you remove the algae from a goldfish aquarium?

yes but it depends if you have a snail

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What does excess algae actually do to the fish in an aquarium?

It can kill them if you don't have a cleaner fish.