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Q: How do you kill fireants?
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Related questions

When was Tupelo FireAnts created?

Tupelo FireAnts was created in 2000.

How do you get rid of fireants?

Bleach.Bleach kills everything living instead of trees.

Who is stronger perseus or Hercules?

according to superguymandude, perseus was eaten my fireants.

Are there fire ants in the state of New Jersey?

Yes. I live in Jackson, NJ and have fireants in my yard.

Will dawn and water mix kill fire ants?

I'm sure any of the myths out there regarding killing fireants will work; temporarily. But fireants are highly evolved and intelligent. You must kill them on contact and you must kill the queen. Using baits will not work because once the ants mark a food source as poison, the entire colony is notified and everyone begins removing the food from the colony. There is a product I've used that works better than anything. Texas A&M University tested the product as well with great success. The product is called Exxant. It's not a poison and is all natural. Which is why I like it. I normally have to treat twice but this product kills the queen and all the ants. I know it's killing them because they all come out of the mound and die within minutes. The bottle says to give it 5 days but it seems to work faster than that. You can find them at Or you can keep trying Dawn.

Do fingernails attract ants?

I have pictures of having trimmed my nails.....and watching fireants drag them away! Why? I am uncertain; maybe it's the Keratin in them they seek. All I know, is I spent several hilarious minutes watching them do this with my nail trimmings!

Why is it that when you get bitten by fireants and it hurtsButthere not even big?

Fire ants are a type of stinging ant. It's not the bite that hurts (they only bite to get a grip), it's the sting. The sting hurts because they inject a venom that produces the burning sensation.

Will killing foxes increase the wild duck population?

It all depends if the fox actually preys on the ducks. Ducks have many more predators than just foxes. Fireants, possums, raccoons, weasles, domesticated cats and dogs, snapping turtles, largemouth bass and man all have an impact on the population of the ducks. Keeping a natural habitat where the duck can safely reproduce it's numbers would be more beneficial than trying to kill off predators that may or may not have any long term effects on the population.

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When was Kill After Kill created?

Kill After Kill was created in 1992.

How can knowledge of a pest organisms tolerance limits be used in pest control?

Pest's have some areas that you should look at in determining a week spot to control a specific pest. Feeding,Life Cycle,Nestting,reproduction,foraging methods and even weather reactions. Some insects have a very high reproductive rate with a ready supply of water. Simply spraying them will only kill maybe-Maybe 10%, then they keep coming back. Some insects eat what they find as opposed to taking it back to the nest so the queens can process it and feed the rest of the population (imported fireants) so some baiting and spraying will not stop them, nest location is a must. The pesticides available OTC will kill bugs but if not used with the knowledge of the vulnerable areas will not control them long enough.