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I have problems with sowbugs/pillbugs in my greenhouse where they destroy young seedlings. Some people will say they are beneficial and harmless but I have watched them on plants eating them to the ground. Greenhouses are susceptible because of the high humidity. I have two methods for controling them. First I put diatomaceous earth around freshly planted seedlings. This is nontoxic to people as it is simply a silicon based fresh or salt water radiolarian which has sharp edges that irritate the bug. It is also good against slugs and snails. You have to reapply it after each watering. Get a plastic bottle applicator and puff it around the base of the plant. Second, I buy the cheapest beer possible and put it in shallow plastic containers pushed into the soil until they are ground level. The bugs and slugs are attracted to the beer (and like most good old boys), fall in and drown. You will be surprised how many dead bugs you can get in one night. I refuse to use the nuclear option inside a greenhouse because I am in there constantly and eat the produce. So avoid really toxic chemicals.

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11y ago

First you get rid of all Roley Polly's then u use heat against it.

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The scientific name of sow bugs is Armadillidium vulgare.

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2-3 years