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Q: How do you know hydrogen and oxygen and nitrogen are elements?
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How do you know which elements make a hydrogen bonding interaction?

Memorize them, there are only three, Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Fluorine.

What are the 6 elements found in most organic macromolecules?

Carbon, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Sulfur, Hydrates, Phospherus

What other substances essential to life that contain nonmetals?

98-99% (dry weight) of all life is made up of 6 elements. (CHNOPS): Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Phosphorus, and Sulfur. These are the most abundant elements of life. Of the 100 plus known elements, two to three dozen can be found in most organisms. Most are found in trace amounts, but five stand out: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and phosphorus.

Which elements are present in all living things?

Carbon and hydrogen are the only elements in allmolecules in living things.After that come oxygen and nitrogen, but these are not in all molecules in living things.All living cells and organic compounds are made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. This includes all protiens, fats and carbohydrates that we consume as nutrients.Hydrocarbons are made of Carbon and Hydrogen. This includes products such as fuel oil, methane, ethane, butane, benzene, paraffin; all of which can be burn for fuel.

What are the 9 main elements that make up minerals on the earths surface?

here are 6 of the 9 elements: Oxygen, hydrogen, siicon, nitrogen, sulfur, chlorine....and i dont know the rest.

What nucleic acids contains what kind of atoms?

I say nucliec acids store and translate the genetic information a cell needs tofinctoin.Nucliec acids such as dna are made u of nucleoticds.Both DNA and RNa are made from carbon,oxygen,hydrogen,nitrogen,and phosphorus p.s. im in 7 grade

What are 4 ways that the periodic table of elements different?

i know a song about it it is "do u know the first ten elements of the periodic table there's hydrogen, helium, lithium, borileam, boron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, florine, and neon"

How do you know if a element is organic?

No elements are organic. Molecules can be organic, and are those that are comprised mainly of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen (and sometimes nitrogen and small amounts of other elements). However, only molecules made from combinations of these elements can be considered to be organic, the elements by themselves are not!

What is a colourless tasteless odourless gas?

Cheese right someone put cheese how is that a colourless gas i will never know but i think the answer is gas

What are the 6 most common elements that compose living things?

Those six elements are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur.Most of the mass of any living organism consists of the elements hydrogen and oxygen combined to form the very common compound that we know as "water". (H2O)

Which element is know as ' the building block of life '?

carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, and sulfur

Do hydrogen bonds always involve hydrogen?

As far as I know: yes! They involve hydrogen bonded to an electronegative element (like oxygen). This Hydrogen in the molecule is then attracted to another electronegative element (like oxygen, nitrogen etc)