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This is a simple way of knowing if a baby is having enough milk :

What goes in, must come out.

If the baby is having six or more wet nappies in 24 hours, she is getting enough.

Breastfeeding mums often worry about this, and when the baby asks for feeds more often, they worry that they do not have enough milk. That isn't so. Every couple of weeks, a baby will go through a growth spurt. Breast milk is a supply and demand thing. The way the baby increases milk supply as he needs more is by asking for more time on the breast. After a day or two, mum's milk supply naturally adjusts to producing more and things will get back to normal - until the next growth spurt.

Most new mums worry about feeding so its a good idea for them to join a supportive mother and baby group to chat, have coffee and to make friends and to discuss worries with others who are feeling the same way.

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Q: How do you know if a 3 week old baby is not feeding enough?
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